I *am* still here, but I think it's nice that everyone's being a bit quieter for a while. Must mean we're all getting on with more important and exciting stuff. Take care y'all.
I'm off to the Reggae On The River festival in California. I have no real interest in reggae music, but everyone I know from SLO is going, and it's a good chance to see everyone again, 'cos I miss 'em.
It's also a chance to sit on a riverbank in the sun and get mildly loaded for three days straight. Which I do have a... Read More
I just finished reading The Talisman, a book I've been meaning to get around to for years. I liked it. That's the second book in a row I've read that has two authors. I couldn't really spot any difference in styles, which makes me wonder how on earth they organise the writing for such things.
I have an old and *really* battered copy I got... Read More
my nizzle!
wow ... what a long entry from you for once..
its too late for me to comment. i just wanted to say hi and that i love you..
ill give you a proper one later.
He is ok, I do not know how much longer he will be around though...