Just booked my stay in Washington DC for the New Year. I need a vacation. Phew. Anyone who actually reads this: if you want some Nation's capital loot, let me know. Shot glasses, tupperware container of soil, etc etc.
It looks like so much fun! I'm so jealous!
I'm forrreal famous 

Philosophical question: What do you think about the democratization of information? What do you think about Wikipedia? Does it improve the quality, thoroughness of sources or background, or accessibility of information? What about product and service review websites like yelp as opposed to established, trained, professional critics and reviewers? Would you take the advice of five movie critics with proven records, or five hundred previous...
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that really means a lot to me. 

Episkey Got me thinking about something. She mentioned in a blog post about reconnecting with an old relationship, and this isn't the same thing at all, but I got to thinking about old friendships that sort of fizzled away. There's this friend I had in high school (dude friend) and we hung out all the time and were very good friends. He sort of disappeared...
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Awe, if you were close I'd let you handle my baby! She's the best snake in the entire world 
I did enjoy not feeling dependent on my mom. That part really sucks.

I did enjoy not feeling dependent on my mom. That part really sucks.
pst. I need a good deal on a car 

Thank you so much
It really does mean a lot, even just support is so much more helpful than people think.

I wish I had your asian complex! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW JEALOUS I AM MISTER PANTS!
I won a freakin TV at my work's party this weekend. How fucking sweet is this? 46" HDTV is allllllll mine! Hopefully it even fits on my ledge...
It always amazes me how customers can act sometimes. Sometimes I would rather not have a sale at all than to put up with some of the shit that people think is acceptable. When you start out an exchange by saying "I'm going to test out your _______," and you spout out some nonsense that doesn't make sense, you obviously need to be educated on...
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I know I've been on about politics a bit lately, for anyone who actually reads this, but pay attention to what's happening in Ohio and Wisconsin. Wisconsin is definitely the national stage, and you would be a fool to not have a vested opinion. Regardless of what your political identity is, this is the sort of stuff you should care about. The future of unions,...
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American Political Parties: The Switch
Has anyone noticed how the loose definitions we gave our political parties have, in some ways, reversed over the last couple decades? The conservative party, the party once known for isolationism, reduction in spending (military included), and just maintaining (conserving) a tight ship at home is now the party in favor of allowing business to outsource jobs (deregulation of business),...
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Has anyone noticed how the loose definitions we gave our political parties have, in some ways, reversed over the last couple decades? The conservative party, the party once known for isolationism, reduction in spending (military included), and just maintaining (conserving) a tight ship at home is now the party in favor of allowing business to outsource jobs (deregulation of business),...
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Greetings Suicide Girls and Suicide Girl's fans. My name is Nick. It's a pleasure to meet you, and you, and you. Oh, and you also. Not so much you... but I do like your hat. Oh, of course, pleasure to meet you too.
As we are identified by how we fit into culture and society and don't exist without "context," here are some things that...
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As we are identified by how we fit into culture and society and don't exist without "context," here are some things that...
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Welcome to sg! My favorite label is sg hopeful