Wow, I'm in a huge hurry yet I still took time to post on here...I got an addiction I guess.
Last final done this morning. No work or school for the next two weeks is a great feeling but I don't know where the money is gonna come from in the meantime. Maybe I should follow through with setting up that ebay account now
Anyway, I got to get stuff packed, get to work in the next hour and then jet off to Chico tonight for a haze of drinking, seeing friends, seeing Mirah (again)
, and really figuring out if I like the place enough to stay for two years of school. Maybe if I can't handle four days that will be a sign. On my return back I will have, hopefully, figured out if I'm staying or going. At the moment I am enrolled in both SF State and Chico State...I need to make a decision and drop one or the other before the credit card statement comes in and blasts me for far more money that I can ever pay
Well I gots ta go.
hope everyone has a smashing next few days
Last final done this morning. No work or school for the next two weeks is a great feeling but I don't know where the money is gonna come from in the meantime. Maybe I should follow through with setting up that ebay account now

Anyway, I got to get stuff packed, get to work in the next hour and then jet off to Chico tonight for a haze of drinking, seeing friends, seeing Mirah (again)

Well I gots ta go.
hope everyone has a smashing next few days

Enjoy Chico (as much as that sounds like an oxymoron, it is possible). Maybe the Mirah show will (have) attrracted the cool indie kids (both of them) and change your impression of the blasted town.