yay, an excuse for me to paint my eye sockets black and wear skeleton gloves! Anyway, more fun and excitement to come...this time I get to get up the next morning and go to school, without the extra hour of sleep thanks to the earths cute little tilt. Anyway, I'm running out of new things happening to describe so I think I may try to go live my life for awhile and maybe kick some of my regular haunts and habits.
Hope everyone is enjoying everything...
Haven't laughed this hard in a long time
I better stop now before I start crying
Go off to sleep in the sunshine
I don't want to see the day when it's dying
-elliott smith

Haven't laughed this hard in a long time
I better stop now before I start crying
Go off to sleep in the sunshine
I don't want to see the day when it's dying
-elliott smith
I still can't for a while, thanks to antibiotics.