From here on out I'm keeping a pen and paper journal for my tragically emo-ish writings and keeping the SG one to trivial daily whining, rants, and overall random wierd shit that goes on in the course of the day. I saw my post from yesterday and realized I wouldn't want to try to comfort some sad sap that was just bringing everyone else down with his notoriously depressed entries. Especially when I was logging on myself to escape from the world a while and interact with cool people. So that's that.
Let's see though some things going through my mind today. I love my new school (SFSU) and any complaint I have about school are just my struggles with life and stuff and I got to look at the fact that;
-I am at my first choice of a school (at least in California and at least one I can afford...*hand reaching out to grasp UC Berkeley*)
-There is a cool vibe there, everyone seems chill, and a very very small number of dickheads and their girlfriends that feel the need to bump their gawd awful music around campus.
- My professors are great.
- AND, oh my good Jebus!!! Walking through campus and sitting around between classes is like hanging out at your favorite indie/dancepunk/goth/synthpop/ect. show in regards to the gorgeousness of the girls that attend courses here. One can turn in any direction and find a girl that would have had stood out so much at my old school that I would have had an instant crush on them. Yes, I know soo shallow but were all on this site so at least we all know good taste if were gonna be shallow
Riding my bike to school, or anywhere for that matter, is now totally out of the question with my knee situation so to keep the walking to a minimum when I can't use the bus or train and parking at school or anywhere in the city is out of control I have decided on the hipster trash's dream...the scooter. I'm gonna look at them this weekend and hopefully figure out what it is gonna take to sell my car and get a Vespa or the Yamaha knockoff the "Vino".
Which ever one has the cheapest model with an engine big enough for two so I won't ever be stuck going to a show alone.
Lastly, since I need some sort of way to exercise I decided to bring it back to my youth and get my boogie board from my grandparents and pick up some used flippers and a wetsuit and pick up where I left off at slamming my face in the sand every weekend. It's fun as hell, floating in the ocean makes you feel so small...but in a good way and it is the one sport I can think of that won't make my kneecap shoot out of the side of my knee.

Let's see though some things going through my mind today. I love my new school (SFSU) and any complaint I have about school are just my struggles with life and stuff and I got to look at the fact that;
-I am at my first choice of a school (at least in California and at least one I can afford...*hand reaching out to grasp UC Berkeley*)
-There is a cool vibe there, everyone seems chill, and a very very small number of dickheads and their girlfriends that feel the need to bump their gawd awful music around campus.
- My professors are great.
- AND, oh my good Jebus!!! Walking through campus and sitting around between classes is like hanging out at your favorite indie/dancepunk/goth/synthpop/ect. show in regards to the gorgeousness of the girls that attend courses here. One can turn in any direction and find a girl that would have had stood out so much at my old school that I would have had an instant crush on them. Yes, I know soo shallow but were all on this site so at least we all know good taste if were gonna be shallow

Riding my bike to school, or anywhere for that matter, is now totally out of the question with my knee situation so to keep the walking to a minimum when I can't use the bus or train and parking at school or anywhere in the city is out of control I have decided on the hipster trash's dream...the scooter. I'm gonna look at them this weekend and hopefully figure out what it is gonna take to sell my car and get a Vespa or the Yamaha knockoff the "Vino".

Lastly, since I need some sort of way to exercise I decided to bring it back to my youth and get my boogie board from my grandparents and pick up some used flippers and a wetsuit and pick up where I left off at slamming my face in the sand every weekend. It's fun as hell, floating in the ocean makes you feel so small...but in a good way and it is the one sport I can think of that won't make my kneecap shoot out of the side of my knee.

email me your info and ill get back to you with my number!