Please tell me that not everyone dies mentally and then just waits for the rest of their body to follow suit. And please say that in that fucked up waiting they don't simply consume, vote in those that keep life "comfertable", and otherwise try to make others fit into their miserable little world.
It was 3:30 in the afternoon and I was playing the drums for what...a half an hour. I come to get a little SG fix when DING DONG the doorbell rings. Oh shit, the Witnesses are back. I better put on a shirt or something. I answer the door and what-do-you-know it's the local law enforcement officer. Someone from this little haven known as a suburbia felt the need to call and break up the so called party that was going on this Saturday afternoon.
As much as I would like to constitute hanging out at my house by myself as a party I don't think that is the case.
Then they threatened that if a party was occuring or did occure tonight they would have to come and fine me.
(At this point my goofy dog had snuck the front door open and was proceeding to urinate on the cops car was too classic!
So let's's illegal to be passed out in the back of your friends car. I get to spend two weekends in May righting that evil wrong CHECK. And now it's illegal to play a musical instrument, in the middle of the day, that is no louder than the neighbor blaring Aerosmith, or some other such buttrock bullshit, whilst washing his car. CHECK.
Well, I hope everyone else is at least enjoying their surroundings on this otherwise glorious weekend.
I must be going though...
p.s. A little survey. Would you ever get a lyric (someone else's) tattooed?
It was 3:30 in the afternoon and I was playing the drums for what...a half an hour. I come to get a little SG fix when DING DONG the doorbell rings. Oh shit, the Witnesses are back. I better put on a shirt or something. I answer the door and what-do-you-know it's the local law enforcement officer. Someone from this little haven known as a suburbia felt the need to call and break up the so called party that was going on this Saturday afternoon.
As much as I would like to constitute hanging out at my house by myself as a party I don't think that is the case.
Then they threatened that if a party was occuring or did occure tonight they would have to come and fine me.
So let's's illegal to be passed out in the back of your friends car. I get to spend two weekends in May righting that evil wrong CHECK. And now it's illegal to play a musical instrument, in the middle of the day, that is no louder than the neighbor blaring Aerosmith, or some other such buttrock bullshit, whilst washing his car. CHECK.
Well, I hope everyone else is at least enjoying their surroundings on this otherwise glorious weekend.
I must be going though...
p.s. A little survey. Would you ever get a lyric (someone else's) tattooed?
As far as tattoos... no, I can't think of any lyrics that resonate with so deeply that I want them on me forever. Although I kinda wanted "Love Will Tear Us Apart" tattooed for a while, but then I saw that Jade Puget from AFI had that on his arm and I didn't feel like being seen as ripping him off...
Oh yeah, and if you remember, listen tomy radio show tomorrow (Wed) from 6-8. And I'll be on IM during the whole show (my sn is goutroy) so if you want to make a request or anything, just holla at'cha boy. (I don't know what I just said there. If I propositioned you, I didn't mean to, and if I cursed you with a rain of frogs, I'm sorry.)