Hey everyone who actually reads my ramblings.
I've been out of the loop for a bit. I hadn't been participating in much and let my membership lapse. But I came back to look for a picture I thought I uploaded here and remembered everything I missed. This is also the only only place I can vent and ramble on with out anyone I know personally reading it. Weird, I know.
Anyway, the end of 2017 up till now has been a roller coaster of stupid. In November, I had my chance to get out of mental health and got a position as a 911 dispatcher. Turns out I was not very good at that job and had to leave it. I was still PRN at my previous job, but my position had been filled. So I had took a job with a brand new psychiatric hospital. It's not terrible, but it's still the same crap I've been doing for more than a decade. A co-worker from the previous psych place told be about a position there doing the phone intake, which is what he does. I applied and got an interview. However, I completely spaced the appointment. I called and tried to reschedule, but I never heard back. I'm fairly certain fate stepped in that day, because my co-worker has been completely miserable and just got a position with my current job. Best oversight I've ever made.
Flash forward to the past week and my adolescent brain is running the back ground noise in my head. There's a super cute girl at work that I would go so far as to put her in the adorkable category. Something unfortunate happened with her dog that cost her a lot of money, so the next day I picked up a card and a gift card; just a little "cheer up" kinda card and a gift card to the Alamo Draft House (theater that serves food, for those who aren't familiar). She ended up being super delighted by it and I used a corny line, "Since you said you're so much poorer, I thought I'd treat you to dinner and a movie," indicating the gift card. She looks at me and says, "We should go," and immediate starts looking up movies for us to go see. She comments on the fact of Ant-man and the Wasp coming out soon, looks at me, and says, "That would be appropriate." I'm a big guy, so I assume she's implying that she's cute, bouncy, and half a head shorter than me. Cue adolescent brain. Maybe like some of you, I don't have a lot of adult experience with the opposite sex, so my adolescent brain, that wants to turn everything into something when it may or may not be anything. Anyway, we were supposed to get together on Friday, but another dumb thing happened and she had to cancel. The kind of dumb thing that would be absurd to make up as an excuse and it's also the kind of luck I tend to have. I'll see her tomorrow night, so we'll see where it goes. I don't think it's a secret to her what I think about her. She's seen me watching her at work (not in the creepy way...I hope), and I've told her she was adorable (in reference to specific conversation), and told her she's awesome.
So we'll see, I guess.
Thanks for reading whoever you might be.
P.S. I was gonna proofread this, but ran out of time...sorry.