So for those of you who don't know, I've been at my job for a little over a year. Previously I was working in residential treatment for kids. Basically, it's a facility that house adolescents for extended periods of time. These are kids that have psychological and behavioral problems. Anyway, I spent nearly ten years in this facility. It was rough and the programming just kept getting worse, which affects the kids. But I stayed so long because it was stable and I worked with good people. So I left, got a new job in the same field, but with adults, and it pays more. However, that company has been suffering with it's own issues. I've been there a bit over a year. Now, I just randomly applied to another job, however it's a another residential treatment job, but it pays even more than I'm already making and it's a city job. And I've already got an interview for the job. Still not sure how good of an idea this is.
Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest it was just about money. Naturally, there's other factors involved. Just that if you have two jobs that kick your ass equally, you may as well get paid as much as you can. Of course, it makes more sense to get paid less for the "right" job than getting paid a fortune for a job that makes you miserable.
I didn't think you were suggesting that, Siv. And I do agree...if it was a straight trade off to go from Cleo (the old job) to this new job, that would be a no brainer. However, the job in between, my current one, is not working with kids, just psychotic adults. I've been with them for about a year and three months and there's been one assault and physical management that I've been involved with since then. Working with kids, it would be twenty times that number...minimum. So yeah, the one in between isn't terrible...the pay isn't bad, they're just having their own internal issues...nothing that really directly affecting me.