It has been a long long time since I last wrote anything here. Mainly just because i never think I have anything very interesting to write about and that is much the case for this one.
I've been super busy with school, it's stressful but it keeps me busy and my mind occupied so that it doesn't go where it shouldn't. I keep myself involved...
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I've been super busy with school, it's stressful but it keeps me busy and my mind occupied so that it doesn't go where it shouldn't. I keep myself involved...
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hi!!! thanks so much for adding me
i hope you enjoy my set!! 

Wow, I can't believe that I have updated in almost 2 months.
Well I can't say a ton of things have taken place but I have been busy. School has been super busy. I'm only taking 3 classes, which I have all A's right now, but I'm also working in two psychology research labs on some really neat projects and I'm having a blast doing...
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Well I can't say a ton of things have taken place but I have been busy. School has been super busy. I'm only taking 3 classes, which I have all A's right now, but I'm also working in two psychology research labs on some really neat projects and I'm having a blast doing...
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Just wanted to say hi!
Yeah... there you go... congratulate me and tell me how awesome I am, and then tell me I gave you a tumor... That'll make me wanna keep piercing! *grin*
I'm really really really happy to hear that it was nothing (as I'm sure you are as well). But if it was a result of piercings, do you think you should get more in the near future or let it subside first?
I'll see you. We've been COMPLETELY slammed most Fridays and Saturdays, so if you can come in a different day it may help... The only other day that both Bink and I are there is Thursday... So... maybe just let me know when you're thinking about coming in and I'll make you an appointment...
I'm really really really happy to hear that it was nothing (as I'm sure you are as well). But if it was a result of piercings, do you think you should get more in the near future or let it subside first?
I'll see you. We've been COMPLETELY slammed most Fridays and Saturdays, so if you can come in a different day it may help... The only other day that both Bink and I are there is Thursday... So... maybe just let me know when you're thinking about coming in and I'll make you an appointment...
A new blog is in order but it's my bed time so it will have to wait for another day, I will try to do one in the next day or two. Just so you know the last two weeks have been hell for me mentally, the only thing keeping me sane is school believe it or not. I was actually very close to going...
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Apparently my back is fine now, it's been two days and it doesn't hurt. I feel silly going in to the doctor and saying "my back hurt a couple days ago", but I'm gonna anyway and see what they can do.

We've been referring people to Euphoria. I actually have an appointment there for my birthday to start my tattoo project...
I should make this a real update but right now isnt a good time for it. Im in a lot of pain, very tired, cant move around very well, and not in the best of moods, plus Im pretty well medicated. I had my back surgery on friday, spent two days in the hospital and now Im at my moms house which is the part...
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Take care of you ♥
I thought about taking summer classes, but I'm just so burned out on school. Good luck with your classes.
It's been a while, I dont even know where to start. My life has fallen apart around me in the last 2 weeks. The person i trusted the most betrayed me apparently because she was stressed out from school and my problems. She decided she didn't want me around anymore and got an ex parte baker act order on me (for those who dont the...
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yeah the book is like 20983219082104810239x better than the movie! i love it!
Hello sweetie,
Thanks for all the sweetness and happy birthday wishes. It's nice to hear that I don't look 30 yet
And yeah, after enough birthdays and holidays with people I don't like I have learned to appreciate a little quiet solitude now and again. Although friends are always nice too.
I hope you're having a good week hon, take care.
Thanks for all the sweetness and happy birthday wishes. It's nice to hear that I don't look 30 yet

Well I guess it's time for a new blog, there are a lot of updates and happenings since the last.
To start with thursday last week I began a break down. I crashed all weekend and saturday night things went really bad. I was fully prepared to end it all, I was done with it and I just didn't want to suffer any more. The...
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To start with thursday last week I began a break down. I crashed all weekend and saturday night things went really bad. I was fully prepared to end it all, I was done with it and I just didn't want to suffer any more. The...
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Hey, thank you for that sweetie. I actually feel a lot better today and hope that the good feeling continues.
I see you've been down too, hopefully we can support each other then.

I see you've been down too, hopefully we can support each other then.

just smile and pretend you are happy, and eventually you will be.
please dont start cutting, once you get into it, you will never stop....

just smile and pretend you are happy, and eventually you will be.
please dont start cutting, once you get into it, you will never stop....
New blog time.
I started therapy on wednesday. It wasn't really a therapy session though it was more of an interview and discussion of why I was seeking help and a history of my life. I wasnt expecting much from it since it was the first session and i didn't get anything from it. The therapist is really nice, and she did reassure me that...
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I started therapy on wednesday. It wasn't really a therapy session though it was more of an interview and discussion of why I was seeking help and a history of my life. I wasnt expecting much from it since it was the first session and i didn't get anything from it. The therapist is really nice, and she did reassure me that...
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One bit of advice toward meeting people and feeling better about yourself. If you can handle it, volunteer somewhere. With animals or children or on a community building project. The Leadership center across from the SLB is a good place to go to get some ideas of somewhere to help. It'll get you in touch with people and show you in a very positive light to other people. You get to meet lots of people that way and its a hell of a good conversation piece when meeting new people.
I went through a period where I didn't leave my apartment for six months except to go back to my home town about once a month to see my girlfriend (now wife). I know how hard it can be to get out and face....everything. The only advice I can give is to be honest with your therapist. It might take a few sessions to be that comfortable, but they can only fix what they know about. And don't get discouraged if you don't feel results right away, both meds and therapy take time to sink in.
I went through a period where I didn't leave my apartment for six months except to go back to my home town about once a month to see my girlfriend (now wife). I know how hard it can be to get out and face....everything. The only advice I can give is to be honest with your therapist. It might take a few sessions to be that comfortable, but they can only fix what they know about. And don't get discouraged if you don't feel results right away, both meds and therapy take time to sink in.
Thats good that you're seeing a doc soon. Also, do some fun things with your roommate if she's up for it. I've noticed that sometimes friendships become really based around the sadness instead of working against it when one of the people is really depressed. Even if you're not feeling up for it do something fun with her, sometimes you might even really enjoy yourself, and it'll help keep her from getting burned out. Its awesome that she is there for you like that, but it has to go both ways. Sorry this isn't the most coherent response right now, kinda been a weird, long day. I'm over by the Gov Square mall. Let me know how finding a place to volunteer goes (also good because it gives you something you HAVE to do at least like once a week) and however much you wanna talk about your therapy.
I really should make a new blog but I'm to depressed, upset, and lonely right now to care. i just want this pain to all stop, I can;t wait for my first therapy session, it's wednesday and I'm looking forward to it. I want to get help I want to change and get better. But until then I've got some meds to drown my sorrows...
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See, I love the telling your whole life story thing. It's nice having someone who cares about it and having someone know all of it. I don't know, maybe I'm just vain and like to talk about myself.
Good Luck with Therapy Man!!
So yeah it hasn't been a great week really. My bday was tuesday. My roommates took me out to dinner monday night and then Lindsey surprised me with a trip to a bar Ive been wanting to try. I had a lot of fun and I couldn't thank her enough for it, none of my friends had ever done something like that for me. It...
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I'm surprised I got one so fast. I was expecting long periods of frustration and disappointment.
I'm all kinds of bad at going to class. It's bad, because then it gets to a point where I just give up.
If you read my last blog you will see that Im in a dark area right now. Things have only been worse the last two weeks. I finally broke down and asked for help. The only person in the world that I trust, my roommate, is the one I broke down too. She sat with me for hours just talking, she wanted to make sure...
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happy birthday.
im excited, im going to kick ass!
and i hope you feel better. heres a hammy to cheer you up:

and i hope you feel better. heres a hammy to cheer you up: