I'm moving to Japan in, like, 2 days. Whoa.
It's unnerving not knowing how long I'll be there, and people keep asking me. The minimum is one year, since I signed a work contract for that amount of time. The maximum is, well, permanently, since if I marry H-- it makes more sense for us to be in Japan than in the U.S. And even if I don't marry him, my job prospects will always be better abroad than they are in the U.S.
It's unnerving not knowing how long I'll be there, and people keep asking me. The minimum is one year, since I signed a work contract for that amount of time. The maximum is, well, permanently, since if I marry H-- it makes more sense for us to be in Japan than in the U.S. And even if I don't marry him, my job prospects will always be better abroad than they are in the U.S.
You're gonna be so far, but soooo happy!!! I can't wait to hear all your stories, and to maybe possibly hear you speak a little Japanese? Yes? I love you, Lola! And I'm so excited for this new chapter in your life!!! Just tell people that you'll be there for as long as you're there! Meanwhile, I'll start saving up for a ticket to visit!
I'm working retail at the Beverly Center, again!
Yes, I Skype! (firstname.lastname - find me!) 
<--2 because I forgot to add one in my original post! <3