For those who asked, the metallic blue eyeshadow is from Kryolan. You can buy it from the lovely Shrinkle on Ebay.
In continuation of the stupidity of my spring break, I FRACTURED A RIB by COUGHING A LOT. How retarded is that?! It hurts really really bad. The Dr. was a little too happy to give me hardcore painkillers. At one point he mentioned morphine and I laughed and said "are you serious?" and he said "well, it helps!" I bet it does, Mister Junky Doctorman! Anyway I got Vicodin which only kills the pain for about an hour and then makes me feel like puking.
BUT, I got home from school today and there was a package from Amazon. Some lovely member person got me A Dictionary of Angels which I've wanted forever and looks awesome! Yay for nice people
In continuation of the stupidity of my spring break, I FRACTURED A RIB by COUGHING A LOT. How retarded is that?! It hurts really really bad. The Dr. was a little too happy to give me hardcore painkillers. At one point he mentioned morphine and I laughed and said "are you serious?" and he said "well, it helps!" I bet it does, Mister Junky Doctorman! Anyway I got Vicodin which only kills the pain for about an hour and then makes me feel like puking.
BUT, I got home from school today and there was a package from Amazon. Some lovely member person got me A Dictionary of Angels which I've wanted forever and looks awesome! Yay for nice people

I've actually had the same injury before. in high school, when I had mono. sucks hardcore. i hope you heal quickly!

i think i fractured or bruised a rib, also by doing something stupid. i jumped on amitabha's pointy elbow at burning man, and it's been hurting for months. i didn't see the doctor, though. don't they just tell you to wait it out?