Saturday Mar 15, 2003 Mar 15, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email Ugh. I couldn't fall asleep last night until 7am and I overslept and missed the anti-war protest. I'm a very bad pacifist. VIEW 14 of 14 COMMENTS winter_____: It happens. Just go to the next one if you can. Mar 24, 2003 bionicfemme: Um yeah scud, but shouldn't you punch the CORRECT person back in the face? Last time I checked, the members of Al-Qaida that bombed the trade centers were not even Iraqi, they were Saudi. So why aren't we punching the Saudis back in the face? Oh yeah, that's because 2/3rds of our oil comes from them, come to think of it. Mar 24, 2003
Last time I checked, the members of Al-Qaida that bombed the trade centers were not even Iraqi, they were Saudi.
So why aren't we punching the Saudis back in the face? Oh yeah, that's because 2/3rds of our oil comes from them, come to think of it.