Nothing to do at work but write to you lovely people and I can't really complain... it's just frustrating how the work comes in waves here. Always around the time most people take break I get really busy. And the rest of the day I am bored as fuck. Ah well, such is life in the working world I suppose. Still, it would be nice to do something different for a change, the same job gets tiresome once you've been doing it eight hours a day for months. Ew data entry.
At least this gives me something to do while I drown in purgatory.
Tell me a story? It doesn't have to be the slightest bit true, just interesting.
If you could have any superpower, any at all, what would it be?
Personally I would want to be invisible, so much potential for cool pranks... but I suppose what I really want to be is a cat actually, no super power I know but... well - super nap power I suppose. It seems like an easy life and exactly my type of thing - lying around all day, a constant supply of food and water, no predators, even someone else to clean up your shit. Sounds like the life of royalty.
Makes me wonder if one day some historian will look back and think we worshipped our pets just like the ancient egyptians and their cat fetishism. (okay maybe not quite fetishism but its a fun word to type.)
Holy crap its cold in here. Air conditioning is great and all but this can't be healthy - at home I'm always melting and here I am always freezing. If there wasn't an hour of transportation time in between it would be like one of those ancient torture methods or something. Its still torture, just a more modern kind.
WOOOOOOT!! Break time!
And I'm back.
Wow my job is boring. At least I work with some interesting people. Some good interesting, some rather scary interesting. But then I bet most people have at least a few intimidating freaks milling about their place of employment. I need another break but I think people are starting to catch on to just how many I take... but who can blame me? At least they are occupied while working, makes the time pass a little faster.
I just want to go home and play with my pussy. Cat. Pussycat. Yes, of course, pussycat.
Heheheheheeee.... the Simpsons song "Flaming Moe's" just came on my mp3 player... so awesome!
Happiness is just a Flaming Moe away!!
Anyway - you know what's annoying? Stupid people. Especially stupid people who you used to think were smart and awesome and stuff. Somewhere along the way they lose their smart and the awesome goes with it and then you find you can't stand them anymore. At least you can't stand the moronic, unexplainable, vicious bitterness towards you. I'm sorry I know what I want and I have the cajones to go for it. Well, actually I'm not sorry about that at all. I am sorry that you can't say the same tho. Maybe that's the problem, you do know what you want and now its too late? Or you know what you want but you can't have it anyway? Also not my fault or my problem. I wish you the best and all but... I don't deserve the treatment I'm getting.
Ugh. This job sucks. I want to open my own head shop but... startup cash i always a larger hurdle than it seems from what I have witnessed. Oh well, maybe soon I will be answering phones instead of typing SINs all day! Stepping up in the world and all...
At least it would be interesting if only in a "wow, this is how low humanity has sunk" kind of way, I think it would be more enjoyable for awhile... and the whole be able to walk home at any point would be totally awesome, I hate taking the TTC when I am already feeling pissy. People get into this cattle-herd mentality that just drives me nuts. Plus I have that skateboard I bought just before the snow that has been used all of twice... I would finally have an excuse to learn.
Wow this is the longest entry I have written anywhere in months. Kinda feels good tho it might be getting a little excessive. I'm just so BORED!
At least this gives me something to do while I drown in purgatory.
Tell me a story? It doesn't have to be the slightest bit true, just interesting.
If you could have any superpower, any at all, what would it be?
Personally I would want to be invisible, so much potential for cool pranks... but I suppose what I really want to be is a cat actually, no super power I know but... well - super nap power I suppose. It seems like an easy life and exactly my type of thing - lying around all day, a constant supply of food and water, no predators, even someone else to clean up your shit. Sounds like the life of royalty.
Makes me wonder if one day some historian will look back and think we worshipped our pets just like the ancient egyptians and their cat fetishism. (okay maybe not quite fetishism but its a fun word to type.)
Holy crap its cold in here. Air conditioning is great and all but this can't be healthy - at home I'm always melting and here I am always freezing. If there wasn't an hour of transportation time in between it would be like one of those ancient torture methods or something. Its still torture, just a more modern kind.
WOOOOOOT!! Break time!

And I'm back.
Wow my job is boring. At least I work with some interesting people. Some good interesting, some rather scary interesting. But then I bet most people have at least a few intimidating freaks milling about their place of employment. I need another break but I think people are starting to catch on to just how many I take... but who can blame me? At least they are occupied while working, makes the time pass a little faster.
I just want to go home and play with my pussy. Cat. Pussycat. Yes, of course, pussycat.
Heheheheheeee.... the Simpsons song "Flaming Moe's" just came on my mp3 player... so awesome!
Happiness is just a Flaming Moe away!!
Anyway - you know what's annoying? Stupid people. Especially stupid people who you used to think were smart and awesome and stuff. Somewhere along the way they lose their smart and the awesome goes with it and then you find you can't stand them anymore. At least you can't stand the moronic, unexplainable, vicious bitterness towards you. I'm sorry I know what I want and I have the cajones to go for it. Well, actually I'm not sorry about that at all. I am sorry that you can't say the same tho. Maybe that's the problem, you do know what you want and now its too late? Or you know what you want but you can't have it anyway? Also not my fault or my problem. I wish you the best and all but... I don't deserve the treatment I'm getting.
Ugh. This job sucks. I want to open my own head shop but... startup cash i always a larger hurdle than it seems from what I have witnessed. Oh well, maybe soon I will be answering phones instead of typing SINs all day! Stepping up in the world and all...

At least it would be interesting if only in a "wow, this is how low humanity has sunk" kind of way, I think it would be more enjoyable for awhile... and the whole be able to walk home at any point would be totally awesome, I hate taking the TTC when I am already feeling pissy. People get into this cattle-herd mentality that just drives me nuts. Plus I have that skateboard I bought just before the snow that has been used all of twice... I would finally have an excuse to learn.
Wow this is the longest entry I have written anywhere in months. Kinda feels good tho it might be getting a little excessive. I'm just so BORED!
...Once upon a time, there was a boywho liked to play with little girls. He would ask them to play games with him and then spit in their eyes, pull their pigtails, and call them sluts when they agreed to play games with him.
And then one day that boy was crossing the street when the waste material from a spaceship dropped to earth, hitting him in the head and drowning him in astronaut shit before he died of a broken neck from a hurtling tampon going 6000 mph.
the end.