the crunch
too much too little
too fat
too thin
or nobody.
laughter or
strangers with faces like
the backs of
thumb tacks
armies running through
streets of blood
waving winebottles
bayoneting and fucking
an old guy in a cheap room
with a photograph of M. Monroe.
there is a loneliness in this world so great
that you can see it...
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too much too little
too fat
too thin
or nobody.
laughter or
strangers with faces like
the backs of
thumb tacks
armies running through
streets of blood
waving winebottles
bayoneting and fucking
an old guy in a cheap room
with a photograph of M. Monroe.
there is a loneliness in this world so great
that you can see it...
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I dig!
struggling towards the light with a wine bottle and a razor blade.
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of. : Blaise Pascal
So unravels the wrapping of my parade of late. Like The Emperor I strut with baring certainty that my cloak is the most beautiful. He is teaching me so much about possibility.
I have realised that in the past, because I have a good imagination I suppose, my loves have been projections...
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So unravels the wrapping of my parade of late. Like The Emperor I strut with baring certainty that my cloak is the most beautiful. He is teaching me so much about possibility.
I have realised that in the past, because I have a good imagination I suppose, my loves have been projections...
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You look so happy...good for you 

Just read Bertrand Russell's argument that existence is determining that the future will resemble the past, because what was the future has constantly become the past, and has always been found to resemble the past, so that we really have experience of the future, namely of times which were formerly future, which we may call past futures. Then I fell asleep and dreamt of going...
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LOL Sounds like you're enjoying the course so far
. It is definitely the thing that freaks me out the most about studying big the essay questions are compared to how small the expected word count.

The ghost train and the dream and the mirror and the UFO and the Grail and the times that call us back and the things we make up to define us and the magic words we use...well, it all ain't, kinda.
Booked for four hours and a lot of pain. NO PAIN NO GAIN.
This next week will be full of rituals and writing, reflecting and rioting. Year of the Phoenix is just one week til the finish line. She has been a transformative and rigorous muse.
Coincidentally, this is what is going on in...
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Booked for four hours and a lot of pain. NO PAIN NO GAIN.
This next week will be full of rituals and writing, reflecting and rioting. Year of the Phoenix is just one week til the finish line. She has been a transformative and rigorous muse.
Coincidentally, this is what is going on in...
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It has just come to my attention that I have not seen you post any new nudie, nakie, scantily clad, or otherwise erotic photos of yourself as of late...
My question I submit to you:
My question I submit to you:
Pa HA... Sowwy to disappoint darl, doing a set today actually. Got rid of others to avoid the 50 million icky messages I was getting. Going a bit more subtle from now on. How you finding the states? xxx
Peek- a- BOO! I am back and brimming with natter for the battered brain.
Recently I am feeling quite disappointed in humanity - I need a little reinforcement kick - so of course I look to you lovelies. I am a believer in the good of the human condition but sometimes our monotonous selfishness driven by our insecurity can be wearing. I know...
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Peek- a- BOO! I am back and brimming with natter for the battered brain.
Recently I am feeling quite disappointed in humanity - I need a little reinforcement kick - so of course I look to you lovelies. I am a believer in the good of the human condition but sometimes our monotonous selfishness driven by our insecurity can be wearing. I know...
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Into the mystic.
"Here's to growth and manifestation" is a phrase I must use a whole hell of a lot more 

'I know what evil is. Once or twice I have wrestled with it, and for a time felt its chilling touch on my life; so I speak with knowledge when I say that evil is of no consequence, except as a sort of mental gymnastic. For the very reason that I have come in contact with it, I am more truly an optimist. I can...
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The strongest light cast the darkest shadow.
Burn on, Phoenix.
Burn on, Phoenix.
I see how you feel this way, but i think we are actually saying the same thing.
When I say 'empathy' I mean being able to relate to others, even platonically; as in you pass someone and recognise they are happy because they are smiling; clinically understand someone is feeling upset because their mum has died etc. I don't necessarily mean to go out of our way to feel on the same level as someone, though this is obviously the ideal scale of empathy. Our relation to others is linked by the external-to-internal correlation - and one of these correlations is suffering. We all feel it on some level, at one stage or another, and thus this links our human condition.
It is true that people who have endured suffering can turn bitter and perpetuate the very opposite though. I suppose it can go either way - but, ultimately that is down to choice. It takes strength and a degree of faith to want to connect in the knowledge that we are all essential suffering creatures - it is easier to lock ourselves away in our bitterness and alienate our mutually human experience from others. Particularly in england, I notice there is a sort of facade where it is seen as 'aware and intelligent' to act this way. I disagree. It tskes more strength of character to rise above this.
In my experience, people who have limitted empathy normally do because they have either been pruned to believe this is a superior way to act; they have grown angry/bitter from hurt, leading them to believe the world owes them something; or, they have had a superficial life where security and 'things' have enveloped their lives creating a barrier between human experience. 9 times out of 10 I see this last one. Capitalism and consumerism teaches us to be out for ourselves and compete with the other - what is the saying over here? Dog eating dogs?
This state is so very sad. It is souless almost. One of my favourite Oscar Wilde quotes
'To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.'
When I say 'empathy' I mean being able to relate to others, even platonically; as in you pass someone and recognise they are happy because they are smiling; clinically understand someone is feeling upset because their mum has died etc. I don't necessarily mean to go out of our way to feel on the same level as someone, though this is obviously the ideal scale of empathy. Our relation to others is linked by the external-to-internal correlation - and one of these correlations is suffering. We all feel it on some level, at one stage or another, and thus this links our human condition.
It is true that people who have endured suffering can turn bitter and perpetuate the very opposite though. I suppose it can go either way - but, ultimately that is down to choice. It takes strength and a degree of faith to want to connect in the knowledge that we are all essential suffering creatures - it is easier to lock ourselves away in our bitterness and alienate our mutually human experience from others. Particularly in england, I notice there is a sort of facade where it is seen as 'aware and intelligent' to act this way. I disagree. It tskes more strength of character to rise above this.
In my experience, people who have limitted empathy normally do because they have either been pruned to believe this is a superior way to act; they have grown angry/bitter from hurt, leading them to believe the world owes them something; or, they have had a superficial life where security and 'things' have enveloped their lives creating a barrier between human experience. 9 times out of 10 I see this last one. Capitalism and consumerism teaches us to be out for ourselves and compete with the other - what is the saying over here? Dog eating dogs?
This state is so very sad. It is souless almost. One of my favourite Oscar Wilde quotes
'To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.'
Tonight the wind wears weary these hurls of autumn leaves. The turbulence is emotional; I love storms. Even nature needs to chuck a good tantrum every now and then!
Fire on, blankey over, I napped off like a kiddy and blink blurry awoke to the hissy fit outside. We can learn a lot from nature. It doesn't express itself in halves, that's for sure.
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Fire on, blankey over, I napped off like a kiddy and blink blurry awoke to the hissy fit outside. We can learn a lot from nature. It doesn't express itself in halves, that's for sure.
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Thank you 'Mira'... sorry have been out of the world of SG, life has been on a pivot.
HA - Ta for this Mystery Jack!
Not sure if the storm is weathered but I am in the calm of it looking around... adn I like what I see
Thank you 'Mira'... sorry have been out of the world of SG, life has been on a pivot.
HA - Ta for this Mystery Jack!
Not sure if the storm is weathered but I am in the calm of it looking around... adn I like what I see

I love the street sign shadow. I also love Mr. Emerson as well.
This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do you see? In gutters, guilding themselves on pavements, golden confetti to golden carpet; do you see, the Time of the Fallen Stars is here. They flip and fold the stage of sky meets ground, these dancers of deep space. In the thousands they fall. Do you make a wish? Each time you see one fluttering fumbling the air to feather the streets?
On my...
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On my...
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I see those pictures and it makes me think I should be raking them up. Stupid work.
Thank you everyone. xxx
Thank you everyone. xxx
I am learning to embrace uncertainty at the moment.
It is the essence of living afterall.
Lady Life has been showing me thus in all sorts of mysterious ways.
Firstly there was a massive fuck off billboard inscribing : NOT SURE? WE AREN'T EITHER.
Then the book I am reading to a girl I work with talks about 'the Dark Night' - "for us each...
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It is the essence of living afterall.
Lady Life has been showing me thus in all sorts of mysterious ways.
Firstly there was a massive fuck off billboard inscribing : NOT SURE? WE AREN'T EITHER.
Then the book I am reading to a girl I work with talks about 'the Dark Night' - "for us each...
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You write so beautifully - it is great to find peace with uncertainty.
That pic has made me both jealous and hungry
That pic has made me both jealous and hungry

"People give flowers as presents because flowers contain the true meaning of Love. Anyone who tries to possess a flower will have to watch its beauty fading. But if you simply look at a flower in a field, you will keep it forever, because the flower is part of the evening and the sunset and the smell of damp earth and the clouds on the...
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I believe bittersweet is the right word. The more I look at the picture the sadder it gets for me. I agree with what you're saying about letting go of attachment, but I've never known a situation where you can let go of attachment without sensing loss. And I guess that's the beauty of the picture, a combination of the sad expressions due to the sense of loss but also the joy of freedom, on both sides in the end.
Thanks for sharing the picture, it's really had an effect on me. And I'm glad they'll be in one sky
Thanks for sharing the picture, it's really had an effect on me. And I'm glad they'll be in one sky


Oh I so know that feeling 
But can I also add that you seem to be talking about Jeremy the kinky squirral who's rampant goings on were never recorded in Wind and the Willows. Poor Jeremy, seems all a squirral can get is obscurity....but thanks for letting me know he's on Jeremy Kyle this week launching his new book "The summer adventures of a rampant squirral and other censored tales".

But can I also add that you seem to be talking about Jeremy the kinky squirral who's rampant goings on were never recorded in Wind and the Willows. Poor Jeremy, seems all a squirral can get is obscurity....but thanks for letting me know he's on Jeremy Kyle this week launching his new book "The summer adventures of a rampant squirral and other censored tales".
Os Mutantes.