I finally finished & handed my paper in, damn was it rubbish. Doubt I'll even get a 2:2 in it, cross fingers I do though. & now I'm meant to be preparing for my seminar, but I'm so obviously not.

Spent 15 on posters, whoo! 6 big ones & 2 small art prints, yay. Banaman rocks! As do the Ghostbusters. For some reason, I'd rather...
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Maybe with the generation thing it's down to older members of the community feeling it's not their business, or their place to show their opinions in public. Whereas our generation are nosy, rude, assholes biggrin

The day is getting cloooooser!

I had something to ask you, to remind you about something, but it's gone. It'll come back, and then so will I.
I must admit to being a little sad tonight. I've now been single for about three & a half years, four in Feb. & I didn't realise how much I did want a relationship, until the possibility was taken from me, & I was left alone again. So I'm being a mopey pants tonight. At the same time as working on my paper, I'm sure...
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Never tempt Fate. She's a vixen who'll bite you in the ass when you've got your back turned.

The boy... went home with someone else last night. He's not ready for a relationship, so we're going back to friends. Maybe when he's ready, & if I still like him, maybe. But till then, friends.

It hurts, but life moves on. Don't peg all your...
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slipmats do exactly what they say on the tin.. decks come with a rubber mat when you buy them which are rubbish for dj ing as the rubber grips the deck when you touch the record.. you need the deck to continue spinning when you are touching the record so when you slam it in, the deck is spinning at the correct speed... so, you need a slipmat which is made from a clothy material in order to allow the deck to spin while you are holding the record... phew! does that make sense..?

Someone added me as their friend, & I added them twice by mistake. So I deleted one, & now I seem to have deleted them both. I'm crap.

Dear Gingernija - I'm sorry. Feel free to add me again.
hello. just a random one.
ah bloc party are the nuts biggrin biggrin
If I pretend that I have no problems, & not write about them anywhere, then that means I have none. It's infallible logic, I'm telling you.

I'm waiting for a boy to tell me if he likes me or not. I've been waiting since Tuesday. I've known him two years, & I text him Monday telling him I liked him, then told him again on...
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I won a teeshirt, I won a teeshirt, I won a teeshirt.

I'm too excited tonight. My head hurts. A lot. Oh well.

I'm currently loving The Datsun's song "You Can't Find Me" for the "wooOOOooo" chorus backsinger bit. It's cool. & Imogen Heap's "Hide & Seak". It's lovely. & other songs that I'm too lazy/bored/slacker to type out.


I feel the need to...
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Sure thing smile
Hehe glad it arrived all well xx
My Tamagotchi has a mohawk because it's punk rock. If I could capture the image on my camera, I would. But I can't so I won't. You'll have to image the greatness of it.

I wish I hadn't called it Craig now, that I'd called it Sid or something cool like that.
Somehow I've managed to get my journal view stuck in comment mode. For everyone's journal. This distresses me.

I was up at 8am for my 9am seminar. Then went back to bed when it was over. High fives for me...
Yeah, I figured out how to change it. Now I just don't know how to reply to comments... Oh my two comments, I am so popular *snigger*
You know how the mental thoughts from words can turn you on? Like "domination", "kiss" & "touch" all bring certain naughty thoughts to mind? Do you think that nerds get turned on by "hard drive" & "floppy disk"?
not sure.. but i'm sure if you talk klingon to them their floppy disk's will be hard drives quicker than you can say star trek tongue
Yes. Yes they do.

And yeah, 2.4 mm I think, maybe 3. Like I said, I'm a wuss.

Oh yeah. Perv! tongue
It's cold in Wales. Just thought I'd share. whatever