My in-laws (sister, mother) are here from Illinois. They just made an offer on a house in our neighborhood. If it happens, that's going to be a MAJOR lifestyle change for us
For the last 23 years, we have not lived anywhere near family (well, not STRICTLY true, but let's say it is). It's certainly going to be different. It will be good for Bears. For me though, it's going to turn my life upside down. The biggest thing is that they don't know about LoveBug. Actually, this is such a game changing development, that I 'm not quite sure that them finding out about her (or having to hide her existence) will turn out to be the biggest issue - and trust me, that will be a big one!!!
Sigh - The times, they are a changin'

For the last 23 years, we have not lived anywhere near family (well, not STRICTLY true, but let's say it is). It's certainly going to be different. It will be good for Bears. For me though, it's going to turn my life upside down. The biggest thing is that they don't know about LoveBug. Actually, this is such a game changing development, that I 'm not quite sure that them finding out about her (or having to hide her existence) will turn out to be the biggest issue - and trust me, that will be a big one!!!


Good luck