I was tagged in a blog post about art work by @samihain . This piece has always been my favourite.
Luncheon on the Grass by Monet
It captured my attention when Bow Wow Wow used it as inspiration for an album cover
And, my god I had (and still do) have such a crush on Annabella Lwin

Lovely ✨🩵

🎨🖼️👀😎 Wow man good catch! I try to do the same with music and do occasionally uncover straight up rips that boggles the mind considering the Georgia Harrison My Sweet Lord fiasco. A late broadcaster big name record hop guy out of Philly got me hooked one night devoting a whole hour to that genre and as I said it blew me away. I’m sure there are many more such shall we say “toe stepping” pieces in the art world as well.