Some years ago, I started work on an anonymous online journal, a place where I could vent my deepest, darkest, rantiest hatreds for all that is wrong with the world. I already had been half-assedly making some of those rants in my personal journal, but I wanted to go full-tilt. It wasn't a good time though -- finally earning a degree after 21 years, then being unemployed, living in a shitty apartment complex, growing more and more hateful toward the Powers That Be and humanity in general. I reached a place where I no longer believed there was any point to any of it. I gave up on a lot of things. I dismantled the online journals.
A few years have passed since. Not much has changed. I'm still not convinced that humanity is redeemable. But perhaps I shouldn't have deleted the journal. I need to vent somewhere. And, as it turns out, there might even be an audience for it; from Faceplace a couple of weeks ago:
Me: I want to lecture from my soapbox about several things (recent news - societal ills), but I would have to give a 9,000-year history lesson and rant for pages and pages in order to properly explain it all. And no one wants to read that (alas). And it won't change a damn thing anyway. So... no.
K80: I'll listen, if you want to say it out loud. I'd also read it, but it sounds like you've ruled that out already.
Vampirate: Please write this. Don't post it if you don't want to, but I would love to read it.
TheFox: Writing it out might satisfy some of your craving to do research; you're a slow writer but you write so beautifully. Treat it like a research paper. Give yourself deadlines. You might be surprised at who would be interested in reading it.
Then, earlier this evening while searching for a new title for the reboot of my rantings, I stumbled across FearTheReaper's Blogger journal; so then I just had to take a stroll down memory lane on his Newswire posts, particularly the Asshole Fuckface Roundup. I don't think I could ever write as prolifically as he did, nor would I want to be as all-inclusive [read: all over the board] as he was; but our rants shared a common theme and style. I think I shall have to pick up where he left off. Who knows, maybe it will turn into something.