I started this year out right! A night full of kick ass tunes, awesome hair everywhere, amazing friends, and even more amazing musicians! I'm talking about The Rev and Nekroman. For any true Rockabilly fans out there these names shouldn't be a mystery to you. For everyone else, I'll provide some links so you can educate yourself on what good psycho sound is. I also...
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It's almost that time. The time where I disappear into the abyss only to rise again happier and healthier with my projects in focus. Til that time comes, I bid you all the best. January will be my month to reflect and purge. In with the good, out with the bad. I was 2013's little bitch. I promise you this, 2014 will be MY bitch!...
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I'm sitting here drinking an amazing mint mojito in hand, with the absolutely shittiest brand of bleach in my hair, trying not to drip peroxide all over my house. I feel like a melting popsicle.
On a happier note, my hair will be gorgeous in a matter of hours! I can't wait for a change. I get so bored with myself and...
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Yesterday my husband and I built the most epic fort! Yeah that's right, I said F-O-R-T! The kind made of blankets and pillows. It takes up practically our whole living room, connecting our two couches. We have a forest of trees to mark the entryway, which is hidden quite well. After crawling through a tunnel of plushy goodness, there lies in the center...
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After some hot in between the sheets love, I made us breakfast, wearing nothing but my sexy wife apron. Did I mention it makes my ass look absolutely delectable? I didn't even get done cooking...
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