Dispatch from a trench somewhere near the edge of madness
Note: The end of days is sponsored in part by Halliburton and Wallmart
Halliburton Surges After Bush Re-Election
Reuters Wednesday, November 3, 2004; 5:51 PM
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Shares in problem-plagued Halliburton Co. rose to their highest level in more than three years on Wednesday, carried by a rally in oil-related stocks after President Bushs re-election.
It is time for soft hearted weak kneed commie pinko liberals like me to admit it. We live in mean spirited cruel hearted time, in nation that would rather kill our arab brothers and sister than god forbid see gay men in committed relationships.
I held the nave belief that it was all about getting people out to vote, that if we broke through the apathy we would find out that most American had good hearts, I hated our government but loved our people. Stupid silly me, the facts sit before me like a beast across the dinner table. I live in a small minded nation filled with god fearing right wing fucks. The same small minds that make CSI and Survivor #1 rated shows also choose our leaders. Cultural war? What culture? Love it or hate it The Grand Ol Opry aint culture. Here in liberal elite capital of Los Angeles we spend more on cosmetics than books. It isnt a red vs. blue state thing, no I wish it were, but the freaks only lost by a margin in liberal California, and we elected the fucking Terminator to our highest office.
A thick sculled mean little midget rich boy fuck, is in fact what the American people want as a leader. Those seven of us sitting in the art house watching an independent film may wonder why The Grudge is number one in America, but P T Barnum understood, No one ever went broke underestimating American audiences.
SAD FACT: This circus freak side show we call a body politic is exactly what our nation wants and deserves. Bring on the three eyes beast of Homeland Security, watch the pin head Ashcroft spin the constitution on a needle. Watch him hide the breasts of Lady Justice, while he buries a blade six inched into her back. Oh yes, the circus is in town only this time the freaks are armed to teeth and they smell blood.
I have watched the left drift farther and farther right until what we call center in the roman orgy of a nation looks like Nixon on steroids.
The youth voted, and they voted fear.
50% of the new latino vote went to Bush and his evil crew.
I WAS WRONG. Now the liberals are running around trying to save face and figure out a new party dress they can put on their message to make it more popular.
Well boys and girls, this is the winning message for our wonderful times; Fags suck and deserve no rights. Screw the poor, they did it to themselves and if they really wanted little items like health care and a living wage they should have tried harder in our dysfunctional school. Muslims are the enemy in the American Jehad. They must be squashed at all costs, or at least until their oil runs dry. Redemption is to passe, fuck 3 strikes why not make it 1, those brown bastards are guilty anyway so lets do away courts all together, what we need is constitutional amendment that will make it illegal to be dark skinned, that would clean up crime. If women really deserve the right to choose then they should have proven it by choosing leaders that would trust them to choose. Unplanned pregnancy should be handled the old fashioned way, with shame banishment and a coat-hanger.
Welcome to the end of days. If you were looking for the signs of the apocalypse, look around. 1) Muscle bond action hero for governor tells a crowd of bush supporters Im here to pump you up. and instead of laughing they buy it. 2) A drunk coke whore from Texas is reelected after driving the economy into the toilet and dragging our sons and daughter to die in war that even he admits cant be won. 3) Logical thinking forces me to side with The POPE, the FENCH and the DIXI CHICKS. 4) We outlaw gay marriage, while turning heterosexual marriage in a reality show Who wants to marry a Millionaire?
Come on, does a freakin horse have to ride over us before we face up to the sad fact that we are living in some biblical nightmare?
Some will say this is the time to redouble our efforts, get more votes out, sign more petition. Me, I think I may just move to Canada, pull up a lawn chair, crack a soda and and watch the show.
Note: The end of days is sponsored in part by Halliburton and Wallmart
Halliburton Surges After Bush Re-Election
Reuters Wednesday, November 3, 2004; 5:51 PM
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Shares in problem-plagued Halliburton Co. rose to their highest level in more than three years on Wednesday, carried by a rally in oil-related stocks after President Bushs re-election.
It is time for soft hearted weak kneed commie pinko liberals like me to admit it. We live in mean spirited cruel hearted time, in nation that would rather kill our arab brothers and sister than god forbid see gay men in committed relationships.
I held the nave belief that it was all about getting people out to vote, that if we broke through the apathy we would find out that most American had good hearts, I hated our government but loved our people. Stupid silly me, the facts sit before me like a beast across the dinner table. I live in a small minded nation filled with god fearing right wing fucks. The same small minds that make CSI and Survivor #1 rated shows also choose our leaders. Cultural war? What culture? Love it or hate it The Grand Ol Opry aint culture. Here in liberal elite capital of Los Angeles we spend more on cosmetics than books. It isnt a red vs. blue state thing, no I wish it were, but the freaks only lost by a margin in liberal California, and we elected the fucking Terminator to our highest office.
A thick sculled mean little midget rich boy fuck, is in fact what the American people want as a leader. Those seven of us sitting in the art house watching an independent film may wonder why The Grudge is number one in America, but P T Barnum understood, No one ever went broke underestimating American audiences.
SAD FACT: This circus freak side show we call a body politic is exactly what our nation wants and deserves. Bring on the three eyes beast of Homeland Security, watch the pin head Ashcroft spin the constitution on a needle. Watch him hide the breasts of Lady Justice, while he buries a blade six inched into her back. Oh yes, the circus is in town only this time the freaks are armed to teeth and they smell blood.
I have watched the left drift farther and farther right until what we call center in the roman orgy of a nation looks like Nixon on steroids.
The youth voted, and they voted fear.
50% of the new latino vote went to Bush and his evil crew.
I WAS WRONG. Now the liberals are running around trying to save face and figure out a new party dress they can put on their message to make it more popular.
Well boys and girls, this is the winning message for our wonderful times; Fags suck and deserve no rights. Screw the poor, they did it to themselves and if they really wanted little items like health care and a living wage they should have tried harder in our dysfunctional school. Muslims are the enemy in the American Jehad. They must be squashed at all costs, or at least until their oil runs dry. Redemption is to passe, fuck 3 strikes why not make it 1, those brown bastards are guilty anyway so lets do away courts all together, what we need is constitutional amendment that will make it illegal to be dark skinned, that would clean up crime. If women really deserve the right to choose then they should have proven it by choosing leaders that would trust them to choose. Unplanned pregnancy should be handled the old fashioned way, with shame banishment and a coat-hanger.
Welcome to the end of days. If you were looking for the signs of the apocalypse, look around. 1) Muscle bond action hero for governor tells a crowd of bush supporters Im here to pump you up. and instead of laughing they buy it. 2) A drunk coke whore from Texas is reelected after driving the economy into the toilet and dragging our sons and daughter to die in war that even he admits cant be won. 3) Logical thinking forces me to side with The POPE, the FENCH and the DIXI CHICKS. 4) We outlaw gay marriage, while turning heterosexual marriage in a reality show Who wants to marry a Millionaire?
Come on, does a freakin horse have to ride over us before we face up to the sad fact that we are living in some biblical nightmare?
Some will say this is the time to redouble our efforts, get more votes out, sign more petition. Me, I think I may just move to Canada, pull up a lawn chair, crack a soda and and watch the show.
always so smart