Tomorrow (thursday the 23rd) i am playing a show at herrells renaissance cafe in allston, the corner of harvard ave and brighton ave...from 8-10. you should come.
hearing the old women i work with say fuck is the most amusing thing. bettie in silks said something along the lines of fuck christmas and i laughed for about an hour.
oh its almost over. time to go fall asleep on a heating pad.
my poor back.
hearing the old women i work with say fuck is the most amusing thing. bettie in silks said something along the lines of fuck christmas and i laughed for about an hour.
oh its almost over. time to go fall asleep on a heating pad.
my poor back.
anyways, you know when I say fuck at work one of two things happen:
a. no one cares and goes about their business
b. everyone reacts like I just butt fucked a nun in a wheelchair, and then pushed her down an icy ramp into the jaws of Jeffery Dahmer (if he was still alive).
I think to get you laughing I'd have to say something like "Jiminy Jilikers." in the McBain voice...
or I suppose anything in the Kirk Van Houten voice.