Good evening! I hope you all had a great day.

In regards to my previous blog post from today, I got some encouraging words from my boss, so that definitely helped a lot. I realized why I'd forgotten to do a few things on my shift, as well... I forgot to take my meds. Anyone with ADD or ADHD knows that with no meds, there...
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That's good to hear you have been spoken to favourably

Good afternoon my loves! It is Thursday, which means only one more day until the weekend and tomorrow and Saturday are my days off this week! I'm taking my husband down to Cosi Science Center in Columbus on Saturday to go check out their Star Wars exhibit (again)! I am beyond excited for this weekend to arrive. Sunday is the big game and we're closing...
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Congratulations on your SG mail also!
Yes there is (was)! I hope it's still there- It was two years ago when I went last, at least. It's the coolest- there's actual props from the movies in the exhibit. Real lightsaber handles, C3PO and R2D2 are there as well. There's a Darth Vader costume and a Princess Leia costume as well. I will update you if it's still there or not after I go!!