I bought a van today for $500, it actually runs pretty well. But it's not registered or inspected and i still lack a liscense........always thinking ahead.
Southbound soon. it gets colder here everyday, the wind stings my skin.
I hate sleeping lately. The strangest energy creeps into my dreams and i become lucid and can wake myself up by screaming.
I talked to Shawn, my favorite gay prostitute on the phone today. We giggle like schoolgirls on the telly exchanging exageratted stories and he charms me with his cynical humour. He has the most raging energy, so fucking uncontained. We used to have violent sex together when we were younger, I am still the only girl that he's fucked. He is completely insane and diseased and a hooker and a pathological liar, and he charms me so much. I love him and all of his beautiful imperfections. fuck you shawn.
Apparently my mom called him crying, she's so scared of going to jail. All the free souls get locked away at some point. I pray for her sometimes, to Joan Of Arc because she was just as powerful as Jesus and got crucified just the same.
I used to write this zine displaying letters from people in jail but mainly women on death row when i used to correspond with them And i dedicated every issue to Aileen Wuornos, The lesbian white trash prostitute that started defending herself and got executed for it. some of us are left blind, and some of us are left voiceless.
I went to jail briefly but not long enough to whine about although the psychiatric hospitals i seemed to have lived in as a teenager when i wasn't wandering across the country were close enough to jail for me, some of my closest friends have spent endless days in jail cells and it always seems to kill a piece of them, so i pray for her, almost every day. and i miss her, i feel like persephone sometimes. fuck the underworld.
Love, Lily
Southbound soon. it gets colder here everyday, the wind stings my skin.
I hate sleeping lately. The strangest energy creeps into my dreams and i become lucid and can wake myself up by screaming.
I talked to Shawn, my favorite gay prostitute on the phone today. We giggle like schoolgirls on the telly exchanging exageratted stories and he charms me with his cynical humour. He has the most raging energy, so fucking uncontained. We used to have violent sex together when we were younger, I am still the only girl that he's fucked. He is completely insane and diseased and a hooker and a pathological liar, and he charms me so much. I love him and all of his beautiful imperfections. fuck you shawn.
Apparently my mom called him crying, she's so scared of going to jail. All the free souls get locked away at some point. I pray for her sometimes, to Joan Of Arc because she was just as powerful as Jesus and got crucified just the same.
I used to write this zine displaying letters from people in jail but mainly women on death row when i used to correspond with them And i dedicated every issue to Aileen Wuornos, The lesbian white trash prostitute that started defending herself and got executed for it. some of us are left blind, and some of us are left voiceless.
I went to jail briefly but not long enough to whine about although the psychiatric hospitals i seemed to have lived in as a teenager when i wasn't wandering across the country were close enough to jail for me, some of my closest friends have spent endless days in jail cells and it always seems to kill a piece of them, so i pray for her, almost every day. and i miss her, i feel like persephone sometimes. fuck the underworld.
Love, Lily
That zine sounds like it was cool.
but aside from that, being completely equal in importance though, read these two books.
1. You Can't Win by Jack Black...you'll have to have it ordered.
2. The Wine of Youth by John Fante.
those two books might shed some light on the book you need to write.
call me a tell people what to do ass. its ok. i just believe that what i read on this site needs to be something i could hold at some point, and i doubt it'd be you. a paperback is what i'm thinking.