Homeless in the middle nowhere. I got moved to the other strip club. I love the bartender there, she has this amazing healing energy. This one russian woman that works at the club is so strange, she talks with this really strong accent and walks around with a frown on her face all day long. I asked her if she was okay yesterday and she frowned at me , lifted her head in the air and sighed "Happiness is not just a dress that i can simply slip on." heh. She is so dramatic, I love it. all the other girls hate her and think that she is evil, but they would because most of them are the most intellectually inferior girls i have ever met. uggh, it is really sad how idiotic they are. They always try to talk to me about the most shallow pathetic things and expect me to understand their shallow pathetic lives,so i always just end up saying something really shocking to them and they silently freak out or wait till i leave the dressing room to talk shit about me.
I am saving up money to buy a van, Hopefully i won't be here for more than a few weeks and then i'm going to move into my van and be a jerkoff. I need to keep traveling, i just got tired of hitch hiking when i'd go cross country, some of those truckers made me sick. I do love riding the rails though but i can always ditch my van. Anyone know where a poor homeless stripper can look for good deals on a van?
Love, Lily
I am saving up money to buy a van, Hopefully i won't be here for more than a few weeks and then i'm going to move into my van and be a jerkoff. I need to keep traveling, i just got tired of hitch hiking when i'd go cross country, some of those truckers made me sick. I do love riding the rails though but i can always ditch my van. Anyone know where a poor homeless stripper can look for good deals on a van?
Love, Lily
but i do know this.
you need a dog.
if it won't be a boy to love you, it should be something.
you're not letting any boys in, so get a puppy.
puppy will show you what you're missing. and the van too.
~old toiletooth proverb.