I think that I just made myself a little sick. Like nauseous and chest tightening pains.
Fretting over something that isn't totally locked or committed to, but once I let those words come out of my mouth to my boss, I immediately felt my knees buckle from underneath me.
Entertaining the possibility of changing over to Accounting and embracing the inevitable. :faint:
For me, I have been busy with work and with my girls holiday performances and stuff. Today is the last day of school for them and then the holiday break begins. Wife plans to bake cookies with the girls tomorrow through Sunday for neighbors, family and other friends.
Though it's only the end of Feb, Tax season is rearing it's ugly head and my working life will be consumed by it.
In other news, I've changed my diet again to a lacto-ovo vegetarian charge and my health is definitely benefiting from it. Husband received another promotion, kindergarten son is transitioning from 2nd grade... Read More
Hello lilvicious! It's funny, I totally thought about you the other day.
I don't know, I'm at the tender age of thirty one and getting on a half pipe is no longer on the list of things to do. Well, If I had a helmet and some pads, I might, but that's a very slight might.
I tried skateboarding again recently after a long layoff. All I hurt was my pride.
I'm ok. Stressed by all the people asking me for tax advice/help. Which would be fine if I was actually the tax expert they seem to think I am. But I so am not. Maybe I should send them to you. It sounds like you probably actually know the stuff they only think I know.
I'm pretty good overall.
I went surfing in Tofino on the long weekend. It was cold, raining & rad! Wet suit, hood, booties & gloves so you don't get hypothermia!
I'm dying to get back there soon, I don't want to wait another 2 years.
I wrote this in ShellyMC's journal, but I may as well post it here...
So far, I'm cleaning up Hunter's room and going through clothes he doesn't wear anymore. Was going to donate them to Goodwill, but decided not to. Called the LA Union Rescue Mission to see if their Women & Children's program could use the books he doesn't read and the clothes he's... Read More
Wait, what?