Yay to evening two of no sleep thanks to the amazing night terrors that apparently are part of my every day life now! For the last month they've been occurring regularly with increasing frequency. Tonight is now the second straight where these delightful things will be keeping, quite literally, every wink of sleep away from me. They are so much fun that the moment I...
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Week 2 of no regular pay cheque: work is okay but I'm finding I'm still doing a lot of other work related things. I just want to work. I do really enjoy the work I'm supposed to be doing but all these other deadlines and priorities for clients, the office, etc. keep getting in the way. At least when my roommate and his kids are...
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- Henry Rollins

Don't do anything by half. If you love someone, love them with all your soul. When you go to work, work your ass off. When you hate someone, hate them until it hurts.
-Henry Rollins