The only skirts I ever wore were for times when I absolutely had to (funerals, job interviews etc.); I haven't owned a dress since my mum was dressing me and my sister the same.
So why is it since I got pregnant I've gone all girlie? For my first 34 years on this earth I bit my nails til there was nothing left (literally ); after years of trying to stop, I stopped straight away and now have the most amazing talons - I get really annoyed when I break one!
I even went into town today specifically to buy me some of these:
They're gorgeous by the way - I bought a bottle of black and a bottle of green today but I plan on getting the blue, orange, slutty red if they have it, purple; heck, I want the collection!
I have a little makeup bag which I take everywhere with me and I've constantly got lippy on, even if I'm just in the house alone!
I've also been looking at vegan cookery books to buy so that I can bake some lovely cakes. I have no-one to cook them for and I'm so fat now I can no longer squeeze my mahoosive butt into my fave jeans!! So, learning to bake cakes really isn't a good idea so why am I looking to do things like this?
I've become obsessed with shoes; I can't stop buying them even if I don't need them
It's the most bizarre thing ever! I'm turning into a fucking girl and the most worrying thing of all is that I'm quite enjoying it
In other news; I realised while out with Jim this morning that had me and Stinky stayed together, it would have been our anniversary today. Yeah, whatever. I really couldn't give a shit. It's weird to think that it was only a few months ago that I felt that I couldn't live without him. The only thing is I have been reminiscing today at the most amazing weekend we had this time last year when I whisked him to London for the weekend; got a suite in a really posh hotel for the two of us and took him to see the Lord Of The Rings show in the West End. I wasn't interested in the show at all; I'd booked it for him as a surprise but I really did enjoy it; it was awesome. The hotel was nice too although I don't miss the feeling of being on edge all the time hoping he was really happy with me and enjoying his treat. I do miss the marathon session we had that afternoon though
Oh well, life goes on and I'm 99.9% happier without him, so huzzah for that! Just need to get a shag now and I'll be sorted
What a strange blog!! Hehe
How are you all? Tell me something random
Yeah i hate family gatherings usually as im very single and very-not-good-at-mindless-chat.
I love Barry M stuff it is sooo much fun! Hehe!