My new promotion keeps me really busy these days and with my computer being down I don't post as much either. I'm hoping to get the computer fixed this month in time so I can keep myself entertained when I get my wisdom teeth pulled. I finally sucked it up and went to the dentist. My two back bottom molars are cracked because of my wisdom teeth. So I get to have all 6 teeth removed next month. It should be a fun experience over all.
Things are going great with Sara and I. We got a place together and next month is our one year anniversary. I'm taking her out to fancy diner at a James Beard Nominated Restaurant here in town called Luca. They change their menu each day. We are both really excited to eat there. Sara gets her tonsils taken out in Dec. going back to days is going to help with taking care of here after surgery. She's really scared about the surgery but I keep telling her its going to be fine and she has nothing to worry about.
I start my new hours next week on Monday. I'll be back working days, the hours will be 5:30am-5:30pm and the days I will work will be rotating every other week. I'll work 2 days then have 2 days off then work 3 days and then have 2 days off then 2 days on followed by 3 days off. It breaks down to half the year off and I know what my schedule will be. I can't wait! I think the hours will be tough at first but I'll get used to it and every other week I'll have a 3 day weekend.
We got our tickets to C2E2 next year. The only guest announced so far is Kevin Smith and he's doing an evening show there at the con. The only other thing I want to do at the con is make more panels this time. I really hope I can make the DC panel so I can ask them how much of a boneheaded idea the New 52 was. I've dropped all DC books except a few Vertigo titles. I gave them a year and they really didn't deliver. With the mass exodus of creators lately I'd say they may be up shots creek. I may end up dropping a bunch of Marvel books as well if their reboot is as bad as DC's.
That's all for now kids!
Things are going great with Sara and I. We got a place together and next month is our one year anniversary. I'm taking her out to fancy diner at a James Beard Nominated Restaurant here in town called Luca. They change their menu each day. We are both really excited to eat there. Sara gets her tonsils taken out in Dec. going back to days is going to help with taking care of here after surgery. She's really scared about the surgery but I keep telling her its going to be fine and she has nothing to worry about.
I start my new hours next week on Monday. I'll be back working days, the hours will be 5:30am-5:30pm and the days I will work will be rotating every other week. I'll work 2 days then have 2 days off then work 3 days and then have 2 days off then 2 days on followed by 3 days off. It breaks down to half the year off and I know what my schedule will be. I can't wait! I think the hours will be tough at first but I'll get used to it and every other week I'll have a 3 day weekend.
We got our tickets to C2E2 next year. The only guest announced so far is Kevin Smith and he's doing an evening show there at the con. The only other thing I want to do at the con is make more panels this time. I really hope I can make the DC panel so I can ask them how much of a boneheaded idea the New 52 was. I've dropped all DC books except a few Vertigo titles. I gave them a year and they really didn't deliver. With the mass exodus of creators lately I'd say they may be up shots creek. I may end up dropping a bunch of Marvel books as well if their reboot is as bad as DC's.
That's all for now kids!
Congrats on the shift change man. That sounds like a great deal the way the time off works out. Good luck with your wisdom teeth I had that done a while back.
My days are all at least twelve at this job. Set days off would be a great comfort. It may take a few weeks to make getting up at five not painful but I'm sure you will enjoy seeing the sun again.