Well this new year has brought some change at work. The 3rd shift lear operator was let go, most likely for lack of production, and another guy quit because she was fired. My guess for why he quit is he didn't want to run two machines at work like he was supposed to be doing and the lead that was fired never made him. WHat does this mean for me? I'm going to 3rd shift for a few weeks while the get some new hires trained. They wanted me to work it longer but I stood firm with I'd help cover 3rd till the 27th of this month. There also seems to be a lot of talk and speculation that I'm going to be offered the 3rd shift lead position. The only way I would even consider it is if they offered me a large sum of money. I'm not talking an extra grand or two a year, I want almost 10k more a year if I'm going to throw my life upside down again and take on a ton more responsibility. I think if they are going to offer it to me it'll be at the end of the month. See if I can hack this month of helping them out. I'd like to make more money but it'll make trying to spend time with my girlfriend a lot harder IMHO. Also 3rd shift where I work gets dumped on a lot. You get left all the crap jobs nobody wanted to run earlier, you get called off first when it's slow and I can keep listing other things about how 3rd gets crapped all over. The more money is tempting but I don't think it's worth not seeing my girlfriend as much or the added stress.
I'm going to the WWE Royal Rumble later this month. It's down in St. Louis this year. I was kicking around buying tickets about a month ago and I was trying to see how close I could find tickets. The closest I could originally find weren't that close at all. I had thought about getting a pair of cheaper tickets but found myself talking myself out of buying them. I decided the other day I was going to look again and see what I could find as I really did want to go as this PPV has been one of my favorites over the years and that this would most likely be my only chance to go to one of the WWE's big four PPV's. So I logged into ticketmaster and came across to my surprise 2 fourth row ringside seats!
I thought about it for a whole two seconds before I decided to buy them. I had to put them on my credit card I just paid off but I figure it'll be paid back off in 2-3 months now that I don't have a car payment. I think my girlfriend thinks I'm crazy for paying this much for wrestling tickets and she may be right but I figure this is one of those once in a lifetime chances to do something and the cost doesn't really matter. It's kind of like when I went to Nashville last year on a whim with Nexus and another friend to see Hank III play twice. That trip is still one of my favorite vacations I've ever taken. So here's hoping this one is just as awesome.
Here is some of what I've been listening to lately.
I'm going to the WWE Royal Rumble later this month. It's down in St. Louis this year. I was kicking around buying tickets about a month ago and I was trying to see how close I could find tickets. The closest I could originally find weren't that close at all. I had thought about getting a pair of cheaper tickets but found myself talking myself out of buying them. I decided the other day I was going to look again and see what I could find as I really did want to go as this PPV has been one of my favorites over the years and that this would most likely be my only chance to go to one of the WWE's big four PPV's. So I logged into ticketmaster and came across to my surprise 2 fourth row ringside seats!

Here is some of what I've been listening to lately.
I dont have that store near me for the books. I never heard of that store. Oh well, Im doing pretty good selling on Amazon, my two money makers sold, so thats good