So things are going very well with the new girl. I crash at her place most of the week with a few days at home so I can do laundry and whatever else I need to get done. I'd almost worry about gaining a bunch of weight from all the food she cooks for me but we've been finding way of working that off later.
She's pretty rad so far, but I have got a voice in the back of my head telling me no woman is this awesome and not taken by somebody. Not letting it bother me though and enjoying the time we spend together which as I said is almost every day.
I actually got Thanksgiving off this year. I went over to a friends place for diner and had my first fried turkey and boy was that tasty. It was one of the best turkeys I've ever eaten and now I want to try and fry one up myself some year. There was so much food and it all tasted so yummy. My only mistake was going back for pie.
I didn't actually throw up but I felt like I wanted to. Just way too much food that day.
Hope everybody is well and had a great Thanksgiving with their families and friends.
I love this opening scene.

I actually got Thanksgiving off this year. I went over to a friends place for diner and had my first fried turkey and boy was that tasty. It was one of the best turkeys I've ever eaten and now I want to try and fry one up myself some year. There was so much food and it all tasted so yummy. My only mistake was going back for pie.

Hope everybody is well and had a great Thanksgiving with their families and friends.
I love this opening scene.
It sure is - He's not bad hehe