So an update is due about the going ons in the wild and crazy life of me. Work is still super busy right now, but the "plan" is that we are working a ton right now so we can have the 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving. I am of the opinion that I'll believe it when I see it. I've told my family to just not expect to see me on turkey day that way they don't get their hopes up about seeing me. I need to find a job that actually respects the fact people want to see their families on the holidays.
Speaking of family. I took my mom out to lunch a few weeks back. We both had some fish and chips with some iced tea to drink. We talked for a while about all sorts of stuff. I think I'm going to try and get her the original Star Trek series or all the movies on DVD or the new Dr Who series this year for Christmas. I think she's enjoy them. I remember watching the old Dr Who with my mom as a kid so this will give us something to watch together.
As I had mentioned in previous post I had started seeing a girl. That all came to an end last week on Monday when she sent me a message on facebook about wanting to end things. Mainly because we work different shifts and it made spending time together difficult. I agreed that the hours we worked conflicted to much as well. Nothing bothered me about it till I really thought about the fact she broke things off with me via a social networking site. Not to my face, not by a phone call or text even. A social networking site! I'm not upset more just dumbfounded by it. It just seems so impersonal I guess. In the past I either ended things with a girl to the face or over the phone. Meh, whatever.
So three days later I got asked out essentially by another girl. She is somebody I kind of knew from our group of friends. She sent me a message via facebook, social networking again, with her number and inviting me to a party. So we started texting later that day and hung out the following night at a local bar. We had fun at the bar and I gave her a ride home. She invited me up and we talked for a few hours sobering up before any hanky panky started up. So things are going well so far. We had a weekend full of work and sex. I've told her that I work a lot and it didn't phase her. She said she did as well and is finishing her masters degree on top of working full time. She is making me diner tonight as well. Pot roast with red potatoes, carrots, turnips, onion sage, rosemary and sweet dijon mustard. Then homemade peach cobbler with homemade ice cream for dessert. I may have a winner here.
That has been my life in a nutshell since my last post. I've been trying to catch up with peoples blogs but work is so busy and making time for this new girl and my family. So here is some music to send you home with.
Been listening to this soundtrack a lot lately.
Speaking of family. I took my mom out to lunch a few weeks back. We both had some fish and chips with some iced tea to drink. We talked for a while about all sorts of stuff. I think I'm going to try and get her the original Star Trek series or all the movies on DVD or the new Dr Who series this year for Christmas. I think she's enjoy them. I remember watching the old Dr Who with my mom as a kid so this will give us something to watch together.
As I had mentioned in previous post I had started seeing a girl. That all came to an end last week on Monday when she sent me a message on facebook about wanting to end things. Mainly because we work different shifts and it made spending time together difficult. I agreed that the hours we worked conflicted to much as well. Nothing bothered me about it till I really thought about the fact she broke things off with me via a social networking site. Not to my face, not by a phone call or text even. A social networking site! I'm not upset more just dumbfounded by it. It just seems so impersonal I guess. In the past I either ended things with a girl to the face or over the phone. Meh, whatever.
So three days later I got asked out essentially by another girl. She is somebody I kind of knew from our group of friends. She sent me a message via facebook, social networking again, with her number and inviting me to a party. So we started texting later that day and hung out the following night at a local bar. We had fun at the bar and I gave her a ride home. She invited me up and we talked for a few hours sobering up before any hanky panky started up. So things are going well so far. We had a weekend full of work and sex. I've told her that I work a lot and it didn't phase her. She said she did as well and is finishing her masters degree on top of working full time. She is making me diner tonight as well. Pot roast with red potatoes, carrots, turnips, onion sage, rosemary and sweet dijon mustard. Then homemade peach cobbler with homemade ice cream for dessert. I may have a winner here.
That has been my life in a nutshell since my last post. I've been trying to catch up with peoples blogs but work is so busy and making time for this new girl and my family. So here is some music to send you home with.
Been listening to this soundtrack a lot lately.
lol same. I get super interested when they start talking about black holes too. I think Mike Rowe does the narration for it.
lol Bob Ross used to do that to me