So here I am laying in bed trying to fall asleep and failing at it. I have to be up and at work by 8am.
Work was alright today. We got a lot done but 3rd shift tonight is going to do jack shit so we all have to work full shifts instead of only half shifts tomorrow. BLAH!!!!!
Had a nice evening over at my uncles after work. He had a small family get-together at his new house. It was good to see all my aunts and uncles in one place again. It had been far too long since we'd all been together. Some of the cousins weren't there but they live out of state so it was easy for them to get back. There was so much food and it was all so very tasty.
My moms side of the family knows how to cook and cook well. It's all comfort food though so it's not always the most healthy for you. LOL!
It was kinda weird to see some of my cousins I hadn't seen in at least ten years or more (Most were older than myself by 10-20 years.) and see that some of them were already grandparents themselves.
It was a good evening and I hope we have more of them more often now.
After we said out goodbyes, I helped my mom out to her van. Her boyfriend pulled me aside and asked if I could try and stop by more often. That my mom missed seeing me more and was a bit depressed by it. Now he wasn't trying to be a dick or anything but he did have a good point. I haven't been stopping by to see my mom as much. We usually text throughout the week about this and that but I don't see her as much as I should. After thinking about it on the drive home I started to feel like a shitty son.
I know that I'm not but I should be doing more with my mom. So to help try and fix this problem I plan to take her out for either lunch or dinner at least twice month. Maybe do a movie night or something as well. We could work our way through the new Dr Who since that is something I remember watching as a child with my mom on Saturday nights on PBS.
We've got some great shows coming up here in the DMI in the later half of the year.
The Nekromantix and Rumble Seat Riot in Sept. at House of Bricks.
We've also got Polkadot Cadaver in Oct. at House of Bricks.
I've seen Polkadot Cadaver before but the others I have not. I've heard really good things about the Nekromantix and Rumble Seat Riot (come to find out Rumble Seat Riot is a friends brothers band) from friends who have good taste in music. Been listening to a lot of old country, rockabilly and psychobilly as of late. Not really sure why but I'm alright with it.
EDIT: My sister got married this last Friday. Once I get pics I'll post them.

Had a nice evening over at my uncles after work. He had a small family get-together at his new house. It was good to see all my aunts and uncles in one place again. It had been far too long since we'd all been together. Some of the cousins weren't there but they live out of state so it was easy for them to get back. There was so much food and it was all so very tasty.

After we said out goodbyes, I helped my mom out to her van. Her boyfriend pulled me aside and asked if I could try and stop by more often. That my mom missed seeing me more and was a bit depressed by it. Now he wasn't trying to be a dick or anything but he did have a good point. I haven't been stopping by to see my mom as much. We usually text throughout the week about this and that but I don't see her as much as I should. After thinking about it on the drive home I started to feel like a shitty son.

We've got some great shows coming up here in the DMI in the later half of the year.
The Nekromantix and Rumble Seat Riot in Sept. at House of Bricks.
We've also got Polkadot Cadaver in Oct. at House of Bricks.
I've seen Polkadot Cadaver before but the others I have not. I've heard really good things about the Nekromantix and Rumble Seat Riot (come to find out Rumble Seat Riot is a friends brothers band) from friends who have good taste in music. Been listening to a lot of old country, rockabilly and psychobilly as of late. Not really sure why but I'm alright with it.

EDIT: My sister got married this last Friday. Once I get pics I'll post them.
Yea that whole area of the basement is just full of music/art stuff. I'm still learning but my fella play guitar pretty good. Apparently I can attract cats with my bongos... some sort of pied piper effect.
And you aren't a shitty son. You are just a busy son. My brother is a shitty son. And believe me you aren't even on his level. He's the lowest of the low!