Not much to report here. Shaved my head. Figured I'd just start from scratch and let it grow. I may decide to grow it out long again and donate it to locks of love. Only had to work a half day yesterday thank the gods. I stayed out way too late at the nudie bar the night before. My bank account is starting to look healthy again finally. It only took about two years to do it. That about it so I leave you with some music.
More Blogs
Thursday Jul 22, 2010
So I started back to the gym this week and it's been kicking my ass. … -
Monday Jul 12, 2010
Can't wait for the end of Aug. I'm heading up to Chicago for two conc… -
Saturday Jul 03, 2010
Not much has been going on lately with me. Just working a bunch but I… -
Thursday Jun 24, 2010
So I kinda met a girl the other weekend. Things happened this last we… -
Wednesday Jun 09, 2010
I've essentially had the last five days off work with how slow it is.… -
Sunday May 30, 2010
Been home for a few hours now from my buddies bachelor party camping … -
Tuesday May 18, 2010
Read More -
Saturday May 08, 2010
Well the blind date didn't and won't happen. I talked to my friend wh… -
Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
So a friend of mine is setting me up on a blind date of sorts with th… -
Monday Apr 12, 2010
So I've been looking at getting my first motorcycle this year. A frie…
Glad your getting your money sorted. Thats always good news