So my internet is finally back on. My roommate got busted yet again for downloading movies and if he gets caught again no more interwebz.
Using a phone to see this site isn't always the greatest and what's up with that new mobile site? I think it sucks. At least on the iPhone it does. I'd get really angry with it when trying to view the site.
I had a great Christmas and NYE. My mom got me a blu-ray player and 2T external HD for my laptop. Not sure what my sister and her boyfriend are getting me since they've been strapped for cash. They set a date for getting hitched, 2/29/2012. LOL! They both hate having to try and remember anniversaries. They're getting hitched in Vegas and it's going to be a Rockabilly themed wedding. My sis showed me her dress and the bridesmaids dresses last night. I guess her boy friend may be asking me to be one of his groomsmen since my sister is making his sister one of her bridesmaids. Never been in a wedding before so this should be interesting. I just need to get fitted for a new a new suit.
I've decided to be healthier this year. I've started going back to the gym and eating better. The gym isn't the hard part it's the changing what you eat when you do it. A lot of things aren't that hard for me like eating more dairy, fruits and veggies. It's the cutting out or making better choices on the stuff I love like pizza and such. I think I've been doing well though. When I weighed myself at the start of the new year I weighed less than I had expected. I figured I was someplace between 240-245 but I was 231 pounds. My goal is to get down to 215 pounds but be slightly tone by the end of the year. My sisters boyfriend moving to town will help me keep on track I hope since he's a bit of a fitness nut. So I'll have a gym buddy starting later this month.
My other goal for the year is to be debt free other than your regular monthly bills. I paid off my credit cards last month so that'll free up $200 plus dollars a month. I also figure with my tax return this year I can have my car paid off by either July or Aug. Paying that off will free up another $250 a month. My long term goal is to have 10-15k saved up in about three years. Which if things go according to plan will give me enough money to put down on a house or build one.

I'm slightly excited of the thought of owning my own home. No longer having roommates or just paying rent. A place that's mine.
Well that's about all I can think about at the moment so I'll leave you with some toons.

I had a great Christmas and NYE. My mom got me a blu-ray player and 2T external HD for my laptop. Not sure what my sister and her boyfriend are getting me since they've been strapped for cash. They set a date for getting hitched, 2/29/2012. LOL! They both hate having to try and remember anniversaries. They're getting hitched in Vegas and it's going to be a Rockabilly themed wedding. My sis showed me her dress and the bridesmaids dresses last night. I guess her boy friend may be asking me to be one of his groomsmen since my sister is making his sister one of her bridesmaids. Never been in a wedding before so this should be interesting. I just need to get fitted for a new a new suit.
I've decided to be healthier this year. I've started going back to the gym and eating better. The gym isn't the hard part it's the changing what you eat when you do it. A lot of things aren't that hard for me like eating more dairy, fruits and veggies. It's the cutting out or making better choices on the stuff I love like pizza and such. I think I've been doing well though. When I weighed myself at the start of the new year I weighed less than I had expected. I figured I was someplace between 240-245 but I was 231 pounds. My goal is to get down to 215 pounds but be slightly tone by the end of the year. My sisters boyfriend moving to town will help me keep on track I hope since he's a bit of a fitness nut. So I'll have a gym buddy starting later this month.

My other goal for the year is to be debt free other than your regular monthly bills. I paid off my credit cards last month so that'll free up $200 plus dollars a month. I also figure with my tax return this year I can have my car paid off by either July or Aug. Paying that off will free up another $250 a month. My long term goal is to have 10-15k saved up in about three years. Which if things go according to plan will give me enough money to put down on a house or build one.

Well that's about all I can think about at the moment so I'll leave you with some toons.
Sounds like you had a good Christmas.
Isn't it crazy that the younger you are the more stuff you want, but once you're an adult it's awesome just to get socks?
Hope your roommate doesn't get teh interwebz taken away for good. Usenet is always a good way to download mass amount of stuff since it circumvents the buffers that are put up by the companies.