I got to see Hank III earlier this week. That man puts on one hell of a show for your money. Twenty-two bucks and he played for almost three hours straight. How many big named band do that? NONE!!! He didn't play as much of his earlier stuff as I'd have liked but it was still a killer show all around. If you're not in the know Hank III plays three sets of music at all his shows. The first set is his more traditional country music with the second set being his "hellbilly" music and finally your get Assjack which is his metal band. I enjoyed his Assjack stuff better than the first time I saw him. If you ever get the chance to see him you really should go at least once. My only regret from the show was leaving early and not getting a chance to meet him after like some of my other friends did. Also he sounds so much like his granddad it's almost creepy.
After the Hank III show I met up with Rosaleigh and her old man Ikapoz as they came through Des Moines on their move to Chicago. We went and grabbed a couple drinks and then they crashed out on my couch. They're damn good people and hope that the rest of their trip was smooth sailing.

Rosaleigh don't read under the spoiler! It's about the ending of BSG and I don't want to influence how you enjoy the end.
Haven't been playing any Halo Reach this last week and still haven't started Dead Rising 2. I plan to get Star Was The Force Unleashed next week when I get paid. My money is tight still and it's frustrating me. At least my one buyer for my LE Modern Warfare 2 XBOX 360 told me they'd have the money this week for it. That'll help me out quite a bit. I've almost got my credit card paid off. Once it is I plan to only use if to put gas in my car like I originally got it for before I got out of control with it.
I'll leave with some music.
Forward to about 3:15 into the video and compare how close Hank III sounds to his grandpa Hank Sr in the second video. Both are singing the same song as well.
also we love you and thank you so much for letting us crash and hanging out.