Been slowly recovering from camping this last weekend over the last two days. I got to hang out with the lovely Churtch which is always awesome. I though the trip was a fairly good success and can't wait for next years trip. I also got to meet and make some new friends ( AlohaJames, justenjones, redfernsandroses, Reekie and Rosaleigh ).

Much booze, herb and food was consumed.
Many a dirty story and very bad jokes were told.
The only things that kinda sucked about the trip was the rain the first night out at the camp grounds and when I say rain it came down in buckets. Almost all our gear was soaked through the next morning.
My hammock tent I think would of done better the first nigh out if I had known how to do the rain fly better on it.
I slept in it the second night and got some killer sleep.
The worst part IMO was the skeeters.

They ate the shit out of me. It didn't matter how much bug spray I used they gobbled me up. I think I've got to have at least 50 bites on my left arm alone and it itches like a MOFO.
Still all in all I'd say it was a good trip. The awesome new people I got to meet more than make up for the crap weather the fist night and the bug bites.
My sleep schedule is still a mess. Today is my last day to try and fix it. I think I'll take a nap this afternoon before heading out to Council Bluffs to see Social Distortion with my sister. It'll be my third time seeing them and my sisters first. I can't wait!!!

I'm a little strapped for cash right now.
Made some poor choices on some things I thought I needed. At least I get paid this Friday. Quitting smoking has helped out with my spending habits and so has going to the gym after work vs going out to the bar. Well I'm off to find some food.

My sleep schedule is still a mess. Today is my last day to try and fix it. I think I'll take a nap this afternoon before heading out to Council Bluffs to see Social Distortion with my sister. It'll be my third time seeing them and my sisters first. I can't wait!!!

I'm a little strapped for cash right now.

Luckily we didn't flood in our house. West Des Moines usually is pretty good about keeping dry, I'm surprised it was up so high. I know it's supposed to start raining again here around noon, Hopefully it wont get any worse, the water all finally went down again.
Georgia Moon "Shine On" corn whiskey. It's bottled in jars!