Been working 3rd shift this week to cover for somebody who is on vacation. It hasn't been too terribly bad but it's reminded me how mind numbing working those hours can be.
It's been slow this week as well at work so that just makes the time drag by even slower.
At least i get to go camping this weekend.
I ordered my new hammock tent for the trip this weekend. I saw one of these tents for the 1st time at my friends bachelor party camping trip about two months ago. It'll be nice to be up off the hard ground while sleeping. I'm excited to meet some new people from the SG Iowa group that I haven't met yet. It should be good times.
Been watching Nip/Tuck on Netflix lately. They have all six seasons.
I never had time to really get into the series before since it was always on while I was at work.
I caught an episode here and there but never enough to understand everything that was going on. I'm about to finish season 2 and so far I'm a Christian Troy fan. He almost reminds me of House with his assholeness.
I can't wait for this movie. It's going to be so much fun.

Next week is Social D!!!!!!!

I would of loved to be at this show back in 1992 at CBGB.

I ordered my new hammock tent for the trip this weekend. I saw one of these tents for the 1st time at my friends bachelor party camping trip about two months ago. It'll be nice to be up off the hard ground while sleeping. I'm excited to meet some new people from the SG Iowa group that I haven't met yet. It should be good times.

Been watching Nip/Tuck on Netflix lately. They have all six seasons.

I can't wait for this movie. It's going to be so much fun.

Next week is Social D!!!!!!!

Thanks for the add. It was good meeting you guys last night.