It's been snowing like mad here and I don't like it. Only 4 people showed up to work Tuesday night because of the "weather". What a bunch of sissies.
So we worked our tails off all night and about 5 or 6 in the morning everybody starts calling in saying that will either be late or won't be in. I figure with all these people calling in to work it's going to cause us to have to work this weekend due to work not getting done. So knowing what I know I call my boss at home and offer to stay and work a double or till I can no longer stand up because of being shorthanded, but I wanted tonight off work if I stayed and helped out. He agreed rather quickly. Also I figure my street wouldn't be plowed yet so I might as well get paid instead of going home. Sadly got my ass chewed out a bit by my boss because I let something go because of poor quality. Seeing it I still don't think it was as bad as the job he had me send out today that I thought looked like shit. I obviously don't understand his thought processes.
With my scolding from the boss he talked to me about how the shift changes were going to go down. Now I was really beginning to think I was going to get canned at the end of the year, but I find out this is not the case. The plan is to bring me back to 1st shift for more training so I better understand what constitutes as bad quality or not. After he feels that I've grasped this concept I'll be moved to 2nd shift and have a life again.
mY niece broke her little nose the other day. She had just gotten finished with her breakfast and was standing up from her little kids table when she did a face plant. Now my moms old man watches her for my sister and thought she seemed okay at first but about an hour or so later her breathing started to sound off. SO he called my sister to let her know what had happened and she then called Norah's doctor who told my sis to bring Norah in right away. They got her to the doctors and he confirmed that she had broken her nose.
She's doing fine now though and it's almost an afterthought.

mY niece broke her little nose the other day. She had just gotten finished with her breakfast and was standing up from her little kids table when she did a face plant. Now my moms old man watches her for my sister and thought she seemed okay at first but about an hour or so later her breathing started to sound off. SO he called my sister to let her know what had happened and she then called Norah's doctor who told my sis to bring Norah in right away. They got her to the doctors and he confirmed that she had broken her nose.

How old is your niece?
I heard that the snow is out of control there right now.