I'm really becoming more and more disenfranchised with what I do for a living each and every day I go into work. They over work us and when we ask for time off several months in advance they try and guilt trip us into working whatever days we've asked for off. I can't go to HR about it because she's a fucking bitch to anybody who doesn't work 1st shift or just bends over backwards for the company. I've tried looking for other work but no other print shops in town seem to be hiring right now. I've tried looking for work doing other stuff but I alway get back that I'm either under qualified or over qualified. I want off 3rd shift but isn't going to happen anytime soon/ever. I would rather work some shitty paying job full time and have a 2nd part time job to make up the loss in pay. AAARRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I need to get laid.
I think I need to get laid.