Well I had a great weekend!!! Went and had tasty BBQ Friday night with my sister and niece.
My niece is getting so big. I then went out to a bar downtown called the Royal Mile and had some tasty beers.
About 1:30 am me and a female friend decided to head out to the nudie bar. Her old man had a sand fill vagina for some reason and found out from her later that she thinks their relationship is at it's end.
It was kind of a bummer hearing this as I think they complement each other well. We finally got to the nudie bar and all was good because we got boobies in our faces!!!!!
I mean who doesn't like boobies? Had one of the dancers ask for a beer and my number and didn't take any of my money that I tried to give her.
After the nudie bar closed for the night we went our separate ways. Got home about 6 am and passed out. It was a good day off of work. I got a lot of fun accomplished.
The next day I went to a buddies welcome home party. Played some beer pong and chatted it up with a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while. Found out this one girl I've had a crush on since I met her about 5 years ago had moved back since she is done with collage. She's this adorable little red head.
Red headed women will be the death of me.
SO I chatted with her for a while. I would say that Saturday night wasn't nearly as eventful as Friday night but it was still a nice mellow night.
Sunday I went out and ran a few errands. One of them being going to my local Half Priced Book Store and picked up some great CD's. I picked up General Patton vs The X-Ecutioners - Joint Special Operations Task Force, Dangerdoom - The Mouse and The Mask and finally N.E.R.D. - In Search Of.

The next day I went to a buddies welcome home party. Played some beer pong and chatted it up with a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while. Found out this one girl I've had a crush on since I met her about 5 years ago had moved back since she is done with collage. She's this adorable little red head.

Sunday I went out and ran a few errands. One of them being going to my local Half Priced Book Store and picked up some great CD's. I picked up General Patton vs The X-Ecutioners - Joint Special Operations Task Force, Dangerdoom - The Mouse and The Mask and finally N.E.R.D. - In Search Of.
I'm glad you had a nice relaxing week off. Redheaded girls are way cute, I agree 

ha. Thanks.