I'm having a craptastic day. I left work stupid tired and forgot my phone there. I realized this after I got home a few hours later and promptly went back to work to grab it real quick. GUESS WHAT!!!???? SOME ASSHOLE FUCK FACE STOLE MY BLOODY iPHONE!!!!! I reported it to HR and my supervisor and was told all they can do about it is post a note and make a page out over the intercom if anybody has seen my phone and to turn it into the front desk. We did all that and guess what? Nobody turned it in. Big surprise there. So I said I wanted to call the cops and report it stolen and after that called AT&T to suspend my account. I've spent the last three hours talking to my supervisors, police, AT&T and changing all my passwords on everything that was on my iPhone. I'm so upset right now I can't sleep and all my contact info is out there and some ASSHOLE FUCK FACE has access to it. So if anybody on here has given my number and still want me to have it PM it to me. If anybody knows of anything else I can do let me know. If I can swing it I'll get a new phone this weekend but fuck all is it distressing. I'm so pissed I can't even put into words how utterly pissed I am.

But don't you work at nights?
Oh, ok, just a thought.