When does reality stop being real? I'm convinced there are day's when i'm not really living this life. I'm really in a coma and my mind is unable to wake. The bad thing is how do you know it's not true? As powerful as the mind is and can be how do you know? I could be right now layin in a bed wired up just to keep my brain alive and this world has been created my by brain to help cope with the trama. Life is never what it seem and always what we least expect.
Well I suppose there is not much new in my Imaginary life still unable to wake and so i'm here makein new friends that may or may not be really but real or not your still my friends.
Well I suppose there is not much new in my Imaginary life still unable to wake and so i'm here makein new friends that may or may not be really but real or not your still my friends.

i always hate when i start thinking too much into life and whatnot...gets me depressed