Monday Jul 12, 2004 Jul 12, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email I may have just come up on a motherload of rare punkrock records for cheap. Detail at eleven. VIEW 9 of 9 COMMENTS nimchimpsky: cool on the records. is there a show at your place on Sat? I got an email about it. Jul 18, 2004 toothless: zzyzx is a road off of the 15fwy to vegas. it has mythalogical status. and it's where i buried the bodies...WAIT! i've said to much! i drove up it once for a few miles then got bored and turned around. there is some sort of education type place there. or something. Jul 18, 2004
i drove up it once for a few miles then got bored and turned around. there is some sort of education type place there. or something.