Minneapolis was awesome. From start to finish. First off, we had to drive from santa cruz to LAX which is a 5 hour drive. That was fine, no problem. We stayed over in LA that night, and woke up early to catch our 8am flight. We get to the ticketing area and they say we're booked on the same flight but for the next day. So to get on the flight for that day we had to pay extra. So we did. The plane food was decent; veggie wraps and chips. They had direct TV on the plane, so I was watching vh1 classic 80's practically the whole way. First thing we do when we get there is hit up extreme noise, an awesome punkrock record store. I got to meet the singer of dropdead there. He was really fuckin old. I dident buy any records cause I was broke but it was fun. Then we wanted to find out where thrashfest was actually happening so we found the address and walked there. Bad idea, seeing as it was 24 or so blocks away. Minneapolis blocks mind you. So we find the place, crash at the budget inn for the night. Next morning we ride the bus downtown to explore. We ate some badass pizza at a place called davanni's. We say 1st avenue and 7th entry the venue. I took a picture with the GG allin star that was painted on the outside. Lots of good pictures to come soon. We went to some party, ate some more, then back to the budget inn. Then of course the next day was Thrashfest. Turns out Vitamin X got pissed at each other, and thrashfest was their last show ever. It was also Wolfbrigade's (from sweden) last show too. Wow, two last shows in one day. RAMBO was fucking amazing, there was an insane battle with huge cardboard artillery. and lots of pom poms. I saw beanie babys flying around too for some reason. When Vitamin X played we had a Wall of death battle. My side won. Then wolfbrigade played and the place went nuts. They even played an Anti-cimex cover or two. I also ran into a friend I hadnt seen or talked to in about 4 years, that was a treat. He was like" well, I live in denver now, and I'm gay." I just laughed. Funny , he always was a little fruity. hah. Flying back was fun too, lost my wallet on a city bus at 2 in the morning, found it and made it back to the terminal by 6. Im a champion. Oh yeah we also saw some drunk guy bust his head on the sidewalk in front of the Hardtimes cafe. How about you? how was your weekend?
the locust, do'able.
yeah, I'm not sure how long I'll be there. but I'm leaving friday morning, I believe. email me your number and I'll call you when I get into town .