I've got a little bit of scabbing on my tattoo, just on the pink parts. I'm trying to leave it alone and let it come off on it's own. If that's not what I'm supposed to do, let me know please
I dab Curel on it 3x a day. Just want to make sure I take perfect care of it.
You dont want to pick at it. just let it alone yes it will get very itchy you should you the antibiotic A&E creme that is the best thing for your tattoo and keep it covered and keep the sun off of it as much as possible you dont want the tattoo to fade.
Howdy LL (just came across your intro post in the ATLiens group). Would have stopped by to say hello earlier, but had much alcohol to consume with friends on vacation last week.
or to be less personal, try shoes. better yet, just one shoe. i mean, physically. i certainly would learn a lot about someone by wearing one of their shoes.
diversity? i don't understand the 'topic'. every individual is an ocean of diversity. make a category, try to group people in it, and find yourself failing time and time again.
a fun game would be to go around and have everyone explain what the term "diversity" means to them. take a grocery store as a root object. make people divide it up into categories, then group everyone by how similar their categories are.
Thank you EVERYONE for the sweet birthday wishes! They made me smile
I did it! Look at my new tattoo. It's actually a bit darker, but for some reason I couldn't capture it with the camera. Thanks to llona and everyone for their thoughts and suggestions. Let me know what you think!
It didn't hurt a bit. In fact, I rather liked it, and I... Read More
I'm starting to stress. I'm building a house, and the timeline has been pushed back by about a month, which causes a few problems. Managing the money, the move, and the construction is enough to make me go crazy. Like my picture
So I expect to close around mid-December. Which, for my job is the absolute WORST time to have something to do outside of... Read More
haha im doin well slacker! get on aim! hahah