I wasn't into Donovan in his heyday. Still, like everyone else, from my generation I do remember Mellow Yellow.
I agree about people over 50. Look at me. I've got at least as much life and enthusiasm as much younger people. Not to toot my own horn, but I looked pretty good after I lost 45 pounds. I gained about 15 back, but am determined to lose that back and more.

I'm on a serious self-improvement kick and i'm not planning to stop anytime soon. While I stil have problems, i'm better equipped to deal with them than i've been in a long time.

I hope you're doing well too, and continued thanks for your support.
After yesterday's release of that flood of emotion, I feel at little like the Emperor in his new clothes, naked and a little embarrassed. In fact, I returned to delete the blog after I had written it, but I was too late. However, I am so grateful for the caring and constructive comments that I received. Thank you.

So. How to cheer myself up and...
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I meant to leave a comment on your last blog, but it was kinda late when I read it. Trust me when I say that I understand how life can change in a heartbeat. In the last 6 years my life has been drastically altered and broken down and rebuilt to the point that I almost gave up completely. I was one slippery finger hold away from rock bottom. But this is not about me, it's about the fact that you did what you needed to do at the appropriate time. Life will always tell you when something needs to change and even if you don't want to do it, it will force your hand anyway. The most important thing is your happiness because you don't live other people's life, you live yours. I may be missing the point all together and going off on a rant that has nothing to do with anything, I'm known to do that. But just know that there are people out there in the world that care about you, even if they have never met you in person.
i'm glad you didn't delete the previous blog. there's no reason you should have second thouhghts about hav ing written it. i was honored that i was included in the select few who you felt close enough to share it with.

i've regretted a few blogs that i posted, but none that were from the my heart. this venue has been a Godsend for me, and i feel for you as well. never stifle yourself when you need to release things inside of you that beg to be released. i used to do that and it hurt me. you're being true to yourself, which is something all of us shuld be striving for.
is attempting to regain his equilibrium. Please bear with him for a while.

Love to all

L x

Thin are the night-skirts left behind
By daybreak hours that onward creep,
And thin, alas! the shred of sleep
That wavers with the spirit's wind:
But in half-dreams that shift and roll
And still remember and forget,
My soul this hour has drawn your soul
A little nearer yet.

Our lives, most dear, are never near,
Our thoughts are never far apart,
Though all...
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Okay, some background music first. Kick this off and read on...

What do you mean, you haven't heard of Dobie Gray? Well, what about Sandi Sheldon? Little Johnny Taylor? The Fascinations? They're all American, after all. It might surprise you to know that these artists and many others you won't have heard of have been amazingly popular in the North of England, where I grew...
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Not logging into your workplace laptop once - priceless.
no comment, just a kiss. hee hee. kmk.
Okay, some background music first. Kick this off and read on...

What do you mean, you haven't heard of Dobie Gray? Well, what about Sandi Sheldon? Little Johnny Taylor? The Fascinations? They're all American, after all. It might surprise you to know that these artists and many others you won't have heard of have been amazingly popular in the North of England, where I grew...
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Well, the weekend started with a bang, with my wife falling out with our close friend and neighbour. Her husband took voluntary redundancy recently, and has been looking for training and a new job in his field of steel defect analysis. Wifey works for the Department for Work and Pensions, so knows a lot of the processes involved in claiming for various kinds of help....
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Naw, there were 2 more above that fell off. They were supposed to be armor plates, but they were in fact cut CDs painted and held on with hot glue! It was fun tho.
hee hee, i can only imagine you would be a perfect housewife. kiss. kmk. biggrin
You are so sweet. kiss
I know! So very crass, indeed!
Unfinished Business

Part One of Three March 2006

I still wonder, looking back, what was my exact emotion at that moment? Disbelief, I suspect, was uppermost in my mind. Bewilderment, perhaps. I cant remember feeling angry, although I should have. Angry with myself, and with the circumstances.

I had planned this trip for months, pored over the map, noted my route in excruciating detail, leg...
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fabulous. just like you. kiss. kmk.
Yep, I can pull that look off flawlessly, or so my hubby says....

So when do we get treated to part 3? Hugs!