Ah! the Question Time debade... hmmm!!! wonder how many BBC execs are boosting their pension fund by placing a bet on the ratings figures.
Nick Griffin eh! Oh! how the chattering classes will be sniffing into their wine glasses, saying to each other "I'm only watching it to see him trip up", but secretly they'll be agreeing... "All these asylum seekers, illegal immigrants taking this that and the other from our country... hmm!!! he has a point".
This is it, this is how the round-ups begin, this is how our society changes (and not for the better)
Griffin (like all extremeists) stands for supression of the individual, for no free speech (not that we have much in the UK thanks to our libel laws and gagging orders). Already they are an illegal organisation thanks to the equalities commission.
Realise this extremeism thrives on demogogery and by people listening to them. You may be able to withstand the onslaught of their vile words, but other may not be able to. Your good deed for the day. Tell everyone you meet, don't give extremeists the time of day.

I used to live in the Borough of Epping Forest one of the areas where the BNP were very active. My husband a white, fat, tattooed, balding, skinhead was offten approched by them to join as he "just their type" as they pointed out to him on a number of occasions in the pub and on the street. Until he pointed out that his grandmother a Russian Jew had only settled in the UK because of the Holocaust, so how could he join a party that said his granny was wrong and a liar.
Britain has always been very lucky Nationalism (the totalitarian variety) has never had such a strong hold on the national mindset. The NF has faded because people have ignored their twaddle. Never feed extremists with publicity it only helps to justify their position and only encourages them as they think the world cares about the shit they have to say.