I had some photos taken last night, it was a lot of fun. I do enjoy doing a bit of dress up and with a bottle of wine too it was even more fun taking them off again. We had Billy Connolly on in the background to make me laugh so I wouldn't be so self concious. I've done a couple of professional shoots in the past one as present for my wedding and another one just after my first daughter was born, but I'm going to have to say, trying to come up with nice poses with out looking cheezy isn't easy. Well, practice makes perfect as they say. All I can say is I hope people like what they see, if they don't... well, its just for me to have fun so I'm not at all interested in what they've got to say.
Our camara is totally crap, its just a compact but it not until you try to do something interesting with it do you realise just how poor it is. The hubby nearly threw it across the room on several ocasions 'cos it took its time making its mind up if it was going to take a pic or not because of the lighting. And trying to do anything like focus... waht a waste of time and effort. Overall though I think a shite camera has produced some good pics and after two children I think everything looks pretty good, but I do need to get my left arm finished and my right arm started.
As I'm going to carry on showing bits off me to the world I've been talked in to us getting something decent. Hmmm!!!! interesting bit of double-think and manipulation there. I want to show my tattoos he get to buy a new camera - I've got a sneaking suspicion I've been conned there, but given what the compact like and I'm not going to use the webcam on my Acer. Looks like we'll have too.
I got the invite to the university open-day for the course I want to do yesterday... its becoming more real by the moment. it's not as though I havent been to university before I've got a BA in Roman Archaeology and History, and i did my Celta/Delta which is a postgrad equivalent. But it is quite nerve-wracking, the though of returning to university as a mature student. Mind you its cheap beer (possibly) is the students union and who can complain about that.

Weird little creature that came out of a Kinder Egg.
Our camara is totally crap, its just a compact but it not until you try to do something interesting with it do you realise just how poor it is. The hubby nearly threw it across the room on several ocasions 'cos it took its time making its mind up if it was going to take a pic or not because of the lighting. And trying to do anything like focus... waht a waste of time and effort. Overall though I think a shite camera has produced some good pics and after two children I think everything looks pretty good, but I do need to get my left arm finished and my right arm started.
As I'm going to carry on showing bits off me to the world I've been talked in to us getting something decent. Hmmm!!!! interesting bit of double-think and manipulation there. I want to show my tattoos he get to buy a new camera - I've got a sneaking suspicion I've been conned there, but given what the compact like and I'm not going to use the webcam on my Acer. Looks like we'll have too.
I got the invite to the university open-day for the course I want to do yesterday... its becoming more real by the moment. it's not as though I havent been to university before I've got a BA in Roman Archaeology and History, and i did my Celta/Delta which is a postgrad equivalent. But it is quite nerve-wracking, the though of returning to university as a mature student. Mind you its cheap beer (possibly) is the students union and who can complain about that.

Weird little creature that came out of a Kinder Egg.