My lesbian/queer friends say that I am a handsome lesbian. And they mean it. Not sure whether to be flattered or change something. The photo in the red shirt was after a shower and shave with my favorite regimen—I went from my building to the Starbucks and I had two women behind me literally tell me that "I smelled like a unicorn dipped in heaven."...
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You look great... it may just be your body frame, the clothes you are wearing and your gorgeous facial structure, you look very androgynous, which is definitely not a bad thing!
I got the BEST compliment from an old friend from my Philadelphia club days. She now lives in Lebanon and frequently travels here to NYC and we plan to reconnect soon.

We were in chat and were reminiscing about the old days of drinking, dancing on fancy bars and causing trouble that spilled into my professional life. Looking back, she said Are you still Satan?...
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I find myself going back to the old days. GOOD, but CHEESY Superman movies with my favourite one being Superman II. In the last year, I keep saying KNEEEEEL before ZOD! at random times. If I want something done like a street light to changeKNEEEEEL before ZOD! If I would like a table at a restaurantKNEEEEEL before ZOD! If I see something excitingOh my ZOD!...
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Thank you so much for the support on my new set! You're a doll! kiss xox
I love it
Visiting NYC from 23 Jan. to 5 Feb. to scout relocation from Los Angeles. If you know of any good groups for NYC here and/ might be down to reacquaint me with NYC, contact me!smile
=) I definitely agree I need a camera. It's on my list. After a new phone... haha
Your phone makes me sad!
The lows that I remember when looking back distract me from moving forward. Never look back.

Oh, Richard Cheese

Way to cover Down with the Sickness! biggrin
Hell's Ink Tattoo

I am so proud of my friend Andy's work! If you are in LA, please check him out!
I realized that I visit here on a nightly basis before bed. Get your minds out of the gutter...some people read books in bed, I am a bit of a geek, so I peruse the internet to let my eyes grow weary. Its a hard-knock life for me; not actually, but I must have internet.

The point is that I visit my FaceBook page, shop...
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If I played an instrument, I would start a band called "You Cant Afford It. That way, if someone asked what concert a friend was going to see, theyd just say You Can't Afford It. And we would wardrobe ourselves in Guess. Let the confusion and mayhem begin!
Facebook suggested friends for me, and I attended high school with many of them. A Christian high school advocating abstinence, accomplishment and contribution. Odd thing, 9 out of 10 of those from that school are parents, living in the same town, living BORING lives. I guess what I deemed "rebellion" was the right choice! 34, single and happy about it, no kids. Excellence.