You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach that makes you want to yack when you can tell someone is lying to you??? I call it my melissa feeling for various reasons that dont matter for the point of this entry....
anyhow you know when your talking to someone you care about and you know they are lying to you,...
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You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach that makes you want to yack when you can tell someone is lying to you??? I call it my melissa feeling for various reasons that dont matter for the point of this entry....
anyhow you know when your talking to someone you care about and you know they are lying to you,...
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an entry from March 22 2005:
"No matter what i do its wrong. no matter what i say or dont say its wrong, and i piss you off and i hurt and i dont know what to do- I dont want to lose you but i dont know how to change what i feel. I...
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an entry from March 22 2005:
"No matter what i do its wrong. no matter what i say or dont say its wrong, and i piss you off and i hurt and i dont know what to do- I dont want to lose you but i dont know how to change what i feel. I...
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It's funny how little things make you smile, or cry, and feel emoitions that youdidnt even know were there. I finally got to go shopping for some christmas stuff! I didn't get really sad until the drive home, then i started thinking about how much this year is going to hurt to not have someone to cuddle with and wake up next to and share...
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Wel today was a somewhat productive day. Lets see i woke up at 7:30am to find that my power had been shut i drove to my moms in melbourne and slept there for a little while. I got to take my sister to lunch that made me smile, but then i got to be utterly depressed seeing all of the christmas stuff in stores...
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you are powerless - bwahahahah
don't forget you might find someone to give you that Christmas spanking
don't forget you might find someone to give you that Christmas spanking

I am semi high, semi drunk and my belly is pretty full, and impretty sure i should be passed out in bed rigtht now, but i wanted to say first that i am a compleat idiot.... i have come to the conclusion that i must enjoy being hurt, otherwise i cant give myself a valid reason for what i do. Well good night.

i know what that feels like, keep putting yourself in a position just so u can be thrown back down
well stop that!
Sleeping pills are the best!!!!! lol i actually slept thourhg the night. That makes me semi happy. Well i have to work soon so i should go. Later

I don't mean to make anybody sad. It just helps me very muchly to be able to express myself despite who's listening... anyway... thanks for your comment sweetz.... sleeping pills may be a good idea for me as of this moment, also

Wicked nightmares last night....I am pretty sure, i attempted to murder someone in one of my dreams, he lived, but it still makes me uneasy. Blah. can i have one night of happy dreams??? Well i have to shower and stuff. Later

play some music that makes u happy while ur sleeping
well, i for one hope i'm NOT in your dreams

So i am writing right now because i was laying in bed basically talking to myself with all this shit running thourgh my head, and i thought that maybe if i just write some of this down and get it out of me, then maybe just maybe i can stop crying...and if i can stop crying if the tears will stop falling for just a...
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um... i don't know what to say. i'm very sad for you i hope things get better for you soon
take care ->
take care ->

sad once again!!!! Oh wait how is that different from every other fucken second of my never ending days!!!!!
I think i was happier earlier today, or at least distracted for a short while. Hanging out with my sister usually does that for me. But now im home again in this god forsaken town, with these fucked up people all around me... I could just...
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I think i was happier earlier today, or at least distracted for a short while. Hanging out with my sister usually does that for me. But now im home again in this god forsaken town, with these fucked up people all around me... I could just...
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Reba: Her
I've known about you
For a while now
When he leaves me
He wears a smile now
As soon as he's away from me
In your arms is where he wants to be
Linda: Me
But you're the one he rushes home to
You're the one he gave his name to
I never see his face
In the early morning light
You have...
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I've known about you
For a while now
When he leaves me
He wears a smile now
As soon as he's away from me
In your arms is where he wants to be
Linda: Me
But you're the one he rushes home to
You're the one he gave his name to
I never see his face
In the early morning light
You have...
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So it is saturaday... I just woke up whcih is very sad considering it is 1:37 in the afternoon. It must have been those sleeping pills i took.
So today will probably be another day of nothingness, maybe i can go for a nice drive or go sit on the beach tonight under the stars...Sometimes i wonder if im the only person who ever feels...
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So today will probably be another day of nothingness, maybe i can go for a nice drive or go sit on the beach tonight under the stars...Sometimes i wonder if im the only person who ever feels...
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and on a side note, I'm much better off without Sillyhoes and Florida... though I do miss some people from down there.
stuart beaches are awesome at night
I am sad again tonight. Lonely as always. "It's really hard living when your living with yourself." Ah how singers and songwriters can always have the exact right lyrics to make you feel like they are singing about you...
Got to see him today...should be happy yet im not. I Think for the breif time he was here i was content but he always
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Got to see him today...should be happy yet im not. I Think for the breif time he was here i was content but he always
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I read your journal and i am sorry. I am not at my most coherent at the moment. Their are always answers solutions resolutions and clarity to be found. it is a matter of patience and perspective. I am sorry I fail to have a better comment for you here.
guys suck, thats the best explination
i know what u mean songs always seem like they were writen about u

i know what u mean songs always seem like they were writen about u
take care ->